Chapter 14 - Tiredness vs discomfort

When the black chevette had parked in front of the mansion, everything was silent. A disturbing silence for those who can't stand their own presence was enough to distress him. Leonardo felt goose bumps on his skin when he noticed the fog covering all his vision. Not even the highlight of the car was enough to make him see meters in front of him.

It was a scene that reminded him of frightening things he had fought all his life to forget.

Even though he was in a closed vehicle, it was as if there was someone around watching him. Someone who knew how to hide part of his presence to be noticed only by him. No matter where he looked, Leonardo could see silhouettes in the branches of trees and bushes.

It was getting ridiculous the dread that went up his legs.

Until he crossed the gate he was fine, he hadn't thought about anything. But it was only by being enveloped in that fog that his thoughts became a real bomb of useless information. A second was necessary for Leonardo to be frightened and anguished, searching the mansion with his eyes anxious to be safe.

Shaking his head to keep the darkest thoughts away, Leonardo got out of the car, locked it and ran to the staircase to enter the mansion. It was past two in the morning, it was likely that the park had already closed and everyone was sleeping.

So he entered quietly, sighing with relief as he passed through the door and locked it. The darkness of the house wasn't complete thanks to the huge windows, but the fog didn't seem to make it any easier for Leonardo to feel any more relieved.

Why was he feeling terrified?

He took a deep breath, mentally counting to keep calm. He was safe in the mansion, which was completely different from the place that appeared so much in his dreams.

Leaving the car key on the entrance furniture, the boy had gone up the stairs going straight to his room. He tried his best not to make any sound, imagining that the others were resting after an intense day at work.

Although he himself was tired too. He had walked all over the park with Vicente, and even had the opportunity to touch some machinery. He ended his day singing enthusiastically, as he always did, which used up the last drops of energy he had.

If he were still living in his kitnet, that night would have been propitious to get drunk enough to wake up late on Sunday. But because he had to face a highway, Leonardo limited himself to his hot milk with honey.

And there he was, shivering with cold, exhausted and irritated because he was scared. No warm milk in the world could make him sleep.

When he entered the room, he hadn't turned on the light. He just took off his trainers and headed straight to the bathroom where he could bathe. Maybe the hot water would make him relax. If he was quick enough in tucking himself under the heavy covers, his body wouldn't get cold and he would get a good night's sleep.

That was what he was hoping for.

However, as he stepped out wearing the grey sweatpants and white shirt, the light from the bathroom illuminated the silhouette sitting on the bed with his back to Leonardo. The fright he had taken had almost caused him to fall backwards had he not clung to the walls.

Benjin had turned his head and glanced over his shoulder, smiling affably.

― At last you are back.

Leonardo had blinked a few times until he was convinced that it was the damn trapeze artist who was invading his room. Lighting the lamp on his desk to put out the one in the bathroom, the boy avoided approaching Benjin who was watching him motionless.

― I thought I was clear about not coming into my room.

― The more you try to push me away, the greater my desire to stay close. ― Benjin muttered, leaning his elbows on his legs. ― And I won't give up just because you reject me.

― That's abuse! ― complained the already impatient boy. ― What the hell do you want from me, huh?

― We're engaged, it should be pretty obvious what I want.

― The park? Keep it.

Benjin let out a low laugh as he got up from the bed, getting dangerously close to Leonardo. Taking retrograde steps in an attempt to escape, he couldn't do the same from the intense gaze the taller man was directing at him.

― I think you're misinterpreting something. I'm not after you because of your inheritance.

― I don't care, can you get out of my room and leave me alone? I'm tired.

Benjin reached out his hand and touched Leonardo's face, feeling his cheeks warm up at the mere touch. Realising such an immediate response made the trapeze artist smile victoriously at Leonardo's irritation.

― You are terrified. You don't want to be alone.

― I'm not scared. ― replied the young man, slapping Benjin's hand. ― Stop touching me.

Trapping Leonardo against the study table, Benjin supported his hands on each side of the university student, leaning towards him even if the boy went backwards trying to increase the distance.

― You don't have to say a single word, I can see you like a transparent curtain. ― Watching the college boy from top to bottom, Benjin was beginning to blush exponentially. ― I am the only one who is able to give what you desire the most.

― I wish you to leave my room and pretend I don't exist, is that OK?

Benjin laughed softly while still cornering the college boy. He had gotten close enough to smell the soap emanating from his skin, making him even more euphoric.

― I won't leave you alone. I know if I do, you'll be uncomfortable. You have a tendency to overthink things.

― Don't act like you know me, you fucking pervert.

Holding Leonardo's face and squeezing his cheeks to make him stop talking, he had finally been able to have his gaze returned. It was clear in those brown pearls how afraid he was. If squeezed a little harder, he would feel his hands trembling. Or even hear his heart beating.

From the moment he had walked through the door, Benjin simply knew that Leonardo was terrified of something. As if the air around him gave it away. As if he could feel it in himself.

He just knew.

Leonardo understood that point. The more his gaze was held by that bizarre fellow, the greater his certainty.

Benjin was like a ghost.

― You've become such a handsome boy, I can hardly stand to be around you. ― whispered the trapeze artist, ensnared by the exasperated vision that Leonardo transmitted to him. His breathing quickened as he got closer, noticing the fear in Leonardo. It was simply exciting his newfound discovery. ― I just want to hold you and make you mine so no one can hear your sigh.

Finally Leonardo pushed Benjin's shoulders back, but all he had managed to do was gain mere inches of distance. Although the trapeze artist had a slim body and was taller, his strength was not small.

He had to hold the guy's hand before his face was finally freed from the grip.

― What's the matter with you, huh? This doesn't make any sense!

Silenced by the long forefinger, Leonardo could see that Benjin was amused by his anger and shame. The pleasure was clear in those clear eyes.

Little by little Benjin brought his face closer to Leonardo's, in a silent threat. Even if he sought some escape route, he would not find it easily since Benjin still had his arms on either side of the table holding him down.

― I will make you feel comfortable, Leo.

The voice had sounded too low and seductive, though there was an unshakeable certainty in it. Leonardo hadn't understood exactly what Benjin's intentions were, but having him so close was nostalgic. For some reason.

For the second time he was kissed by that damned puppet. This time warm and soft as the fall of a petal under a river.

He was tired. He didn't care about fighting anymore.

He just wanted to sleep.

Arguing was no longer interesting.

He would leave it at that. Only that night. When he woke up, he would certainly choke him.

His defences fell away and Benjin smiled victoriously.

His eyes closed, falling into a deep sleep. Benjin had held him to carry him to bed. Laying him on the mattress and covering him, he nestled next to him embracing him possessively. Benjin tangled his long fingers in the strands of brown hair, watching that serene physiognomy.

― The crybaby still exists in you, Leo. But it's okay, I accept every cheek of yours. ― He whispered, caressing the boy's cheek. ― That was my last bit of energy, I hope you have a good night's sleep.