Chapter 15 - Breathtaking kiss

What was that place?

There were tents similar to those of the circus, but there was no one around. Or maybe he couldn't see so clearly thanks to the mist that covered all the earthy ground and part of his field of vision.

Who was he looking for?

Why was he there?

Shrugging his tiny hands against chest, the child went through the fog searching incessantly for someone. Only that even as he walked on and on, no one could be found. Despair and fear made those brown eyes fill with tears.

Giving up searching, the child crouched down and began to cry loudly. He didn't like to be alone, it was cold and strange.

― I found you, Leo.

The soft melodious voice had made the little boy raise his wet face, finding a guy in front of him. He wore clothes worthy of a sailor manning a pirate ship. He even had a line across his face that started above his eyebrow and ended just before his cheekbone.

He had beautiful green eyes, but that was all the child could remember of his face. What had really stuck with him was the gentle touch of his hair that ran down his face where his thumb had wiped away her tears.

― I've looked everywhere for you, Leo. Come on, stop crying. You're not alone anymore.

When the fellow had undone his touch and moved away from the child, the little boy grabbed him by the leg in a sly beak. He was about to cry again when he was picked up and hugged by the man.

― What a cowardly and crying little boy. Come, we'll be together until you stop crying.

The fellow was tall, but his body was so warm and welcoming that the child clung to his neck. The smell of pitch was comforting, second only to that warmth. It was as if there was the place where he should be, in those arms that protected him from loneliness. Even when he stopped walking and realised he was sitting on his lap, the child had not let go of him.

Surrounded by those arms, the child forgot the terrifying fear of yesteryear. He smiled tenderly, rubbing his cheeks against the subject's chest until he heard him laugh graciously.

― Leo loves the puppet! ― said the child affectionately, making the other blush.

― Oh yeah? How much do you love him?

― As much as the world. No, no, the size of the universe. ― said the child stretching his small arms exaggeratedly to the sides. ― So the puppet is going to love Leo too, is he?

The child's cheeks had been rubbed by the subject's fingers, who seemed to be amused by his innocent little jokes.

― You bet, the puppet will love Leo forever and ever.

And then, with that guy's warm hand on his face, the child felt calm enough to lie on his belly and sleep. Without being scared by a fog or afraid of being alone.

Opening his eyes slowly, Leonardo blinked sleepily realizing how comfortable he was. His blurred vision hadn't allowed him to see much beyond blurs, but he figured he shouldn't move too much. He was fine that way. He could sleep some more.

In fact... If he closed his eyes could he go back to that dream? Now that he had awakened, he couldn't remember much beyond the warm, delicious sensations. It was like being held by someone he loved. That was all he could remember.

Strangely Leonardo had the feeling of being hugged by someone. Squeezing his eyes shut tightly, the university student forced his vision to be sharper. It was then that he saw Benjin serenely sleeping beside him with his hand over his face.

About to pull away suddenly, Leonardo held back when he realised that it was he who was hugging the trapeze artist. His arms were wrapped around Benjin's neck, with a small distance between them. His face was immediately flushed.


For what reason would he have hugged that damn pervert?

Wait... The night before....

Squinting his eyes to recall the night before, he remembered arriving at the mansion and being bothered by the early morning fog. And when he had come out of the bathroom that damned puppet was in his room waiting to annoy him.

The damned thing had kissed him for the second time!

Shivering in disbelief, Leonardo squeezed his fingers containing the urge to strangle the said one.

Benjin's hand that had been resting on his face had slid down his shoulder and reached his arm. His fingers were soft and delicate, as if he was afraid Leonardo would wake up. The brunette had even held his breath, indecisive as to whether he should pretend to sleep or push him away.

However his indecision had been delayed when Benjin had opened his eyes in a snap. Exciting blush had taken over his face along with a thin smile on his lips. Holding Leonardo's hand, the trapeze artist deposited a simple seal between the university student's fingers.

― Good morning, Leo.

The hoarse voice typical of someone who had just woken up sounded nostalgic in Leonardo's ears. A tiny fragment of the dream he had had returned to his mind as he stared at the scratch on Benjin's face.

Where had he seen anything like it?

Shaking his head, the university student stood stiffly holding the strands at the nape of the taller man's neck.

― What did I say about you invading my room, you perverted puppet?

― Why are you so angry? You look so comfortable holding me like that.

Leonardo had clicked his tongue, pulling his arms free of the embrace, but Benjin had stopped him from pulling away.

― Let me go, you bastard!

― You are wonderful when you are angry, Leo. ― Laughs the trapeze artist ignoring Leonardo's shoves ― You sleep like a child, but when you wake up you're a different person. It's wonderful to watch your sleep.

― I don't sleep like a child! And let me go, you...

Kicking Benjin under the covers, Leonardo had not been so successful in getting free. It was frustrating that the trapeze artist's thin body made him look so weak, and he managed to hold him hostage on the bed.

Having his waist held making their bodies lean against each other, Benjin was fun in person. The more Leonardo blushed at any touch, the greater was the pleasure of the trapeze artist.

― Hahaha you're really mad aren't you? ― Smiled Benjin, suddenly laying his head on the pillow. ― But I'm not strong enough to get out of here, I need some rest.

Leonardo had finally stopped struggling when he noticed the dark circles under Benjin's eyes. That bastard was tired and still had the strength to pin him to the bed? What kind of a monster was he?

Quit had knocked on the door when Leonardo had sighed wearily. That guy wasn't going to let him go, the difference in strength had made that clear. If he slept, he could escape. Patience should be the key to getting out of that situation.

― Why are you tired? You were sleeping until just now.

Benjin seemed happy at Leonardo's little show of interest, for he let out a nasal laugh and squeezed his waist.

― I gave up my energy so that you would sleep well. You were quite frightened last night.

― I wasn't scared, just tired.

― Right, right. ― Laughed Benjin, letting go of Leonardo's waist to touch his face again. ― You rested well, didn't you? You slept soundly all night and you don't look exhausted.

The warm touch on his cheek also carried nostalgia. Leonardo's eyes widened, feeling his own heart beating fast with another fragment of the dream. But it was impossible to remember the details, only the sensations.

That touch on his face was the biggest clue he had. For that dream... Something told him it had to do with his childhood memories.

But why would he remember something so old? Leonardo hated that.

― Go to sleep, you indecent puppet.

Benjin had not looked happy despite the smile on his face. Pulling Leonardo to hide his face in the curve of his neck, Benjin hugged him tightly to the point where he could smell the boy's scent.

― When I open my eyes, I know you won't be here anymore. I want to stay awake as long as I can.

― Why? ― Leonardo whispered, having Benjin pull away from the embrace to see his flushed face. ― Why are you so insistent, you pervert?

Despite the crude words, Benjin could find the hint of shame there. Even Leonardo's ears were reddened and hot, not having his gaze returned. He could be airy with you all he wished, but Leonardo was unable to escape his own shame.

Holding his chin to finally connect by gaze, Benjin was tenderness itself as he whispered.

― Because my love for you is greater than the universe.

Leonardo's eyes widened gradually.

― You... How can you... How can you say such embarrassing things, you damned puppet! ― shouted the university student, pushing Benjin's face.

The trapeze artist let out a laugh.

― I just wanted to see you blush, it's funny!

― Shut up, you bastard. Get yourself killed!

― How mean, I want to live next to Leo.

Benjin's mannerism was embarrassing to Leonardo, since it seemed so genuine. His words didn't seem like lies, and his every act corroborated such a thought. Leonardo couldn't act properly while being buried by Benjin's feelings.

It would be a waste of time to question him further on the matter. That trapeze artist would do as he pleased regardless of whether Leonardo agreed or not.

He would still try to kick and push him to escape from that bed. Except that even though Benjin said he was tired, he had managed to hold the university student's wrists and rotate his body to the point where he stood over Leonardo.

Now he was, in fact, a hostage.

― What the...

― I love you, Leo. And I am the only one who can live with you. ― whispered Benjin, bringing his face gradually closer to Leonardo's. ― So please let me make you realise that I am the right one, hm?

It was suffocating.


Not Benjin's feelings, but the nostalgia he carried with him.

― I'm not...

― Sh... We don't need labels. ― Benjin's forefinger touched Leonardo's lips, making him redden like a red pepper. ― As long as you're with me, you can be yourself. And even if you try to run away from me, I will run after you.

― That sounds like a despicable threat to me.

Benjin laughed childishly.

― Maybe it is. But I won't do you any harm. No one can do you any harm as long as you are with me.

Those words sounded too cryptic for Leonardo, but he couldn't think about it too much when the trapeze artist slowly brought their faces together and seemed to be about to kiss him. It would be the third time that this guy would try something with him and Leonardo would be unable to escape.

Already waiting for the fateful touch on the lips, Leonardo closed his eyes, surrendering. He waited for an instant, without feeling anything. Well... Didn't he want to kiss him? Wasn't that why he was holding him against the bed?

Opening only one eye, Leonardo found that Benjin was standing too close watching him with a smile.

― What is it?

― Were you waiting for my kiss?

The blush had returned.

― You wretch! Get out of my room, now! I don't want to see your face ever again.

― Hahaha, I'm so happy! A simple kiss from me has already made you like me.

― A simple kiss? A simple kiss? ― Leonardo laughed incredulously. ― Where did that come from?

― Shall I show you how I really want to kiss you?

Benjin squeezed Leonardo's cheeks, who shook his head vehemently denying the unseemly question. He had tried to kick and push him again, but the bloody trapeze artist had cared little for his failed attempts.

And then Benjin's warm, moist lips finally touched Leonardo's. This time he took advantage of the moment when the university student was shouting complaining at him, to make the kiss deep.

It was the strangest sensation Leonardo had ever felt in his life.

The movement of Benjin's tongue was something incomprehensible. Leonardo hardly knew how to react to that completely wet and overwhelming kiss. He felt his mouth being explored and his lips being swallowed by the trapeze artist.

He could feel Benjin's thirst when the kiss became wild.

As if that wasn't enough, the trapeze artist had tangled his fingers in Leonardo's hair preventing him from escaping. He was being suffocated by a kiss that took his mind off him. He could think of absolutely nothing, and perhaps because of his lack of response his lips began to match the kiss.

Unthinkingly he did.

Somewhat disjointed, somewhat paralyzed.

Leonardo tightened his fingers on Benjin's shirt, panting without being able to breathe properly. Being kissed like that made him flush to the ears, ashamed to feel Benjin's hot tongue playfully tangle with his own.

It seemed that for Benjin, the more he heard gasps escaping muffled from Leonardo's lips, the greater his thirst to take him.

That kiss was definitely completely different from the other two that Leonardo had received from Benjin. He was sure that the trapeze artist was holding back the other times.

When he was finally free to breathe, Leonardo didn't know what to do. It was as if his energy was sucked out by that kiss, leaving him messed up and at the mercy of that damned thing.

To Benjin, the sight of Leonardo completely slobbering was fascinating. Running his thumb over to wipe away the strand of saliva on his chin, he could delight in another delivered gasp and the trembling hand that had rested on his right hand.

― You seem to have enjoyed it, Leo.

Benjin lay down beside Leonardo, closing his eyes wearily. Staring up at the ceiling, the young boy was trying to put his thoughts in order after a breathtaking kiss.