Chapter 24 - Bright sunshine outside Dreamland

When the music ceased and the barmaid took the microphone, the entire audience had not left the dance floor. Except for a few who returned to their tables, but their attention was still focused on the stage.

The announcement that the band had generated shouts, to accompany the boys on stage and take their positions and instruments was met with applause. Aslan had settled into his chair prepared for what was to come. Whether it was the loud sound, the music or the applause, he just longed to see the young master shine.

Before he could forget, the boy took the mobile phone from his pocket and turned on the camera to record the presentation.

And then it began.

The presentation of the night had rock songs from the eighties, which immediately made the audience nostalgic. Mixed between national and international, the highlight was the synchronicity between those young people on stage.

They were not there looking for fame, they were playing for fun and pleasure. When Leonardo started singing, Aslan understood what those two things were.

The first few songs were to arouse the public's nostalgia and get them used to the band. Aslan had noticed at the tables nearby people singing the songs without interacting much with the band. The main highlight was Leonardo's vocals, which seemed to know every feeling in the lyrics.

Slowly the bar was charged with heat. Some people were leaving their tables to stand again on the dance floor. The rhythm was faster and the vocals were higher. Now Leonardo was interacting a little more with the public, who timidly matched him.

Aslan had caught himself shaking his head and tapping his feet to the rhythm of the music. He was smiling completely happy to see that all the boys exchanged glances and smiles on stage, in a silent but meaningful communication. For an instant he envied the closeness that the three of them had with the young master, to the point of being able to interpret his most superfluous signals and follow his commands.

The connection between them was enviable.

Aslan had not recorded the whole show, his arm was tired. There was a moment when Dona Berta approached the table with a portion of fries with cheddar, leaving it on the table. Sitting next to the boy, she smiled.

― It'll be a while before they get back, you'd better eat something in the meantime or you'll starve to death.

Aslan thanked her, taking a potato and eating it.

― Thank you.

― All right, sweetie. Our handsome boy asked me to keep you company, I hope you don't mind.

Aslan turned his head in surprise at the information. Had the young master lingered at the bar because he had talked to her and made such a request? It had touched him to have an heir care about him in such a way. Genuine.

― I don't mind, it will be an honour to have your company.

― Oh my, hohoho, come on, I don't know how to react to that. ― Laughed at the blushing woman.

The next song already contained a faster rhythm, having the audience following the energy loosening up more. The voices started to come out louder, trying to follow the singer. Still, Leonardo stood out with mastery.

― Wow, he's good! ― let slip Aslan, making the bar owner laugh.

Recording the show again, Aslan was surprised as the rhythm became more and more frenetic. The audience was screaming with each interaction of Leonardo, with the singer jumping from one side to another on stage, climbing on a box and jumping again. Going to all corners he interacted with each part of his audience, even sitting on the stage.

It was the most amazing performance he had ever seen in his life.

From that moment on, it was impossible for Aslan to take his eyes off the stage. When the mobile phone warned that the battery was low, the boy had to finish the recordings to enjoy the show alone for the next few hours. Another portion of chips and soda was necessary to satisfy the hunger that came from time to time.

Only after some time after midnight did the show end in splendour. The audience applauded euphorically the performance receiving due thanks from the band members. Aslan also applauded, still feeling the vibration of the songs in every muscle in his body.

When the members left the stage, they were immediately surrounded by the audience.

― Oops, looks like it's going to be a while before they come back.

― Is it always like this?

― Not always, it depends on their presentation. ― Mrs. Berta turned to the boy, looking at his eyes in malice. ― Maybe they wanted to show off more tonight.

Aslan shook his head and went back to eating his potatoes, startled by the sudden presence of Gustavo sitting beside him.

― I survived! But I'm going to die soon. ― Gasping, Gustavo laid his head on the table.

― I'll get you something to drink, little one.

While the woman returned to the bar, Aslan noticed the sweat dripping down the drummer's face. He had never seen someone so tired like that.

― Are you OK?

Gustavo opened his eyes with a low laugh as he straightened in his chair and stopped throwing himself down on the table.

― It's like running a marathon, even when you're not moving your body is hot and frantic. That's why I feel like I'm going to die soon.

Aslan had suppressed his laughter as he watched the boy eat his chips. Then, amidst the silence, they both watched the crowd around the band members. A little later the bassist and the guitarist managed to return to the table at the same time Berta brought a soda and water to the table.

― Miss Berta, a cold one for us, is that OK? ― Rafael asked, raising his finger.

― Are you starting already? You should eat first.

― Are you going to make us that sandwich?

― You're not in a restaurant, you stink!

Rafael laughed when the bar's owner turned her back.

― So, Aslan, what did you think?

The blonde smiled broadly in agreement with his head.

― You guys are really good. I was impressed with the show.

― Wasn't it? Today we had everything.

Soon Berta returned with two draft beer mugs on the table. Taking a big sip, Juliano noticed something poking the guitarist's rib with his elbow. Pointing discreetly in the direction, he heard a thump.

― Oh, that's cool.

Aslan and Gustavo stared at the older man and then followed his gaze and noticed Leonardo talking to a girl. Too pretty, Aslan noticed.

― What's up? Do you know her? ― Gustavo questioned, having a flash of lightning right away. ― Oh, she's from another time.

― The other time?

― Leo's ex-girlfriend.

Aslan widened his eyes and quickly turned in his chair to get a better view of the girl. Leonardo had his hands in his trousers pocket, smiling slightly as he talked to the girl, although he didn't seem very excited to do it.

― Did he... Did he have a girlfriend? ― Aslan whispered in a daze.

― Is that imbecile around? ― Julian looked around looking like he was furiously searching for someone.

― I haven't seen him yet, but if she's here you can bet he'll turn up soon.

Aslan had no idea who to pay attention to. On the young master who was listening to the girl in front of him, or on his friends who seemed in a maximum state of alert.

― What is it? Is Leo in some kind of trouble?

Gustavo had been the one who had approached Aslan to whisper.

― Leo used to date that girl until a few months ago, but as he lived busy because of work she betrayed him with the former vocalist of the band.

― The young master was betrayed?

― Huh?

Aslan covered his mouth immediately, staring in terror at the drummer who seemed to have heard his little slip. He was still filtering through the information that Leonardo had already been in a relationship with someone and even betrayed. Quickly the image of a certain trapeze artist had popped into his mind.

If only he had known.

Pulling himself together, Aslan had also huffed, leaning on the table.

― Does Leo still like her, by any chance? To be talking, I mean.

― No way, he was really bad when he found out. ― Rafael turned to Mrs. Berta, who kept quiet, watching from afar. ― Betinha, you can rescue him, can't you?

― Me? Why? He knows how to handle himself.

― What's wrong? Leozinho never knows how to say no to that girl...

― He's here, Rafa.

Juliano's low voice announced the arrival of a tall and corpulent man who quickly embraced the girl. Introductions were unnecessary, because Aslan could tell by the man's face and posture that he despised Leonardo's presence.

Of Leonardo.

Leonardo Evilian.

The heir to the biggest amusement park and circus on the continent!

His young master.

His friend.


The blood boiled in Aslan's veins. Never, and under no circumstances, would he let his young master be the target of contempt from someone filled with malice. Even more so by someone who betrayed his trust and deepest feelings.

― Let's go and help him...

Before Juliano and Rafael could mention getting up, Aslan was already walking past them like a ghost. His eyes barely blinked without turning away from that horrid couple.

He wanted to wring their necks.

Make them breathless.

Make them fall to their knees before the young master, to see how great he was.

And when he got close enough, he noticed the young master's gaze shift in his direction. Subtle that only Aslan would notice. Without moving. Without showing any gaps to the others.

Still, Aslan had stayed by his side, holding his arm.

― Leo, what's taking so long?

The couple seemed stunned by Aslan's sudden arrival, which barely directed his attention to greet them.

― I'm coming, are you hungry?

― A little, and you?

― Quite a bit. ― Leonardo smiled gently as he stroked Aslan's hair. ― We should eat, since I have to drop you home early.

The blond had blushed intensely at the subliminal mention of a certain magician. Although it was past one in the morning.

When the two turned their backs, the rude voice had sounded too loud.

― Are you turning into a fag now? You think you can get so much attention, but you can't wait to get down on all fours...

Aslan quickly stood in front of the brute, clasping his face and covering his mouth. Despite the difference in height, Aslan was able to reach up to squeeze his face with the tips of his fingers. Force enough to break his jaw if he wished.

― Measure your words, scum. Don't you dare speak ill of him in front of me.

Gently a hand emerged over Aslan's.

― Let him go, I don't want to create a ruckus inside the bar.

Only at Leonardo's calm request did the blond man let go of the brute, who was leaning on his frightened girlfriend. The young master smiled at the two, holding his friend's shoulders.

The lout would have been ready to start a fight right there, if not for Aslan's icy, sharp gaze in his direction. Leonardo pushed the boy to the bar, where the owner was already holding two aluminium mugs.

― I'm going to ban that guy from now on. Always making trouble.

― If it's because of me, there's no need. I don't want to bother him.

― I want an environment where my clients feel good and don't leave here handcuffed. ― Handing over the two cups, the bar owner sighed tiredly. ― Here, hot milk with honey just the way you like.

― You're awesome, Betinha ― Leonardo extended a mug to Aslan, still exuding kindness and calm. ― Drink this to calm your nerves. Go to the table with the guys, because we'll only have food after the bar gets emptier.

Aslan was tempted to contradict, but the cake had formed in his throat, keeping him silent. Picking up his cup, he turned around and returned to the table feeling guilty for having intervened without being called. Would the young master have considered his behaviour inappropriate?

He had no idea.

That night he had not been able to discern the real Leonardo, for he was different from what he usually saw in the mansion.

Sitting down on the bench and taking a sip of the warm milk, Aslan felt calmer.

― Man, you were awesome now! You're that strong?

Raising his face, he noticed three pairs of eyes shining with fascination upon him. Realising that he had forgotten about the young master's friends when he thought of defending him, his face flushed.

― A-Ah, it's in primary school that I took self-defence classes...

― Just as well. ― Rafael sighed in relief. ― If Alex punched us, we would fly away.

― What do you mean?

― Thanks for helping Leo.

Gustavo's sweet smile caught Aslan off guard. Hiding his shame in his aluminium mug, the boy had managed to feel relieved for only a moment, until he heard.

― Last time we couldn't even help Leo, and in the end he got hurt like that.

― Have they ever had a fight? - Aslan asked curiously.

― I don't really know, but I think Alex is really jealous of Leo. After we found out about the betrayal we had a pretty heated argument, and that son of a bitch hurt Leo's hand.

Aslan tilted his head without understanding, and Rafael approached him to continue his story.

― Alex was the lead singer of the band and Leo was our drummer, but when we found out the whole story, he went after Leo with the intention of breaking his hand.

Aslan swallowed dryly, having the warm milk losing every calming effect on the boy. Directing his attention to the young master, he realised that he spent most of his time with his hands in his trouser pockets.

― A glass bottle. ― Murmured Juliano, also looking at Leonardo. ― And the damage was done. It went through his hand and then we lost an excellent drummer.

Sighing low Aslan already imagined that the world outside the park hadn't changed much. He'd rather stay in his fantasy world.

And he would find some way to do the same with the young master.