Chapter 25 - A spy report

Around three in the morning the chevette parked in front of the silent mansion. Aslan finally relaxed his shoulders from stepping inside the mansion, letting out a prolonged sigh. That night had been more intense than he had planned.

Aslan crept up the stairs, feeling his ears ringing with the sudden change of environment. No longer was he surrounded by people and loud sounds that made even his bones tremble. He was immersed in the silence worthy of a remote place. About to go down the corridor he received a caress on his right shoulder, the blond man turned his head to meet the young master's smile.

― Go rest, enjoy your free time.

Ah, right. He already imagined they would be back late and that was why Vicente had allowed both of them to only show up for work in the afternoon. Well, they both needed a good night's sleep.

However, it wasn't tiredness that worried Aslan. That friendly smile was more annoying. Precisely because he knew it to be a mask created to make people carefree. Now that he knew a little of what was hiding behind that mask, it was hard to swallow Leonardo's happiness so easily.

― You too, Leo.

He had watched the young master turn his back to him and walk down the corridor until he entered the room. Surrounded by darkness and silence, Aslan had also made his way to the room where he slept.

What was he to do?

As soon as he had turned on the light in his room, he was not startled by the presence of three individuals occupying different spaces in his room. Just waiting for him anxiously.

He already imagined that at least one of them would be there.

― I'm home.

― It's late, what the hell were you doing out this late? ― Benjin complained, beeping slyly.

Aslan closed the door behind him, removing his shoes to put on warm slippers. And then he sat down in the chair at his desk, turning to the three of them who continued to look anxious.

― 'You were warned that we would be late.

Ray peered at the reddened eyes.

― What happened, Aslan? You don't even look like you're out for fun.

A thin smile appeared on the blond boy's face. As expected, Ray was attentive to his emotions. He would notice any shadow of sadness or anger that was not common to his day to day life. Befitting a sensitive person.

Raising one leg to support his arm, Aslan turned to Vincent seriously.

― I agree with the idea of leaving the young master with us. Definitely.

The administrator peered subtly into his eyes.

― What made you change your mind?

― The world outside is not preparing for the greatness of the young master.

― You're killing me with curiosity, Aslan. Speak up. ― mumbled the trapeze artist about to throw a pillow.

Aslan took his mobile phone out of his pocket and pushed his chair so that he could charge it. As he waited for the first charges, he turned to the others.

― He's completely different from when he's here in Dreamland. ― He began to tell, somewhat thoughtfully. ― When the young master is with his friends he seems to enjoy himself and smile more often.

― Well, that's not even surprising if we take into account the fact that the young master does not wish to stay here.

― It's not just a question of not wanting to, Ray. When he's with us, the young master is more closed off and generally explosive. He often fights with you guys and is more cold-hearted. But when he's with his friends, he's like sunshine. Always smiling, always hugging and joking. He gives the impression of being two different people.

Vincent sighed as he leaned against the headboard and crossed his arms.

― I guess that's true. The Leonardo he wishes to be and the one he really is. They are completely opposite.

― But he's still Leo. ― Benjamin affirmed, hugging his pillow. ― No matter if he is sun or moon, he is still Leonardo. That's what matters to me.

― Hahaha, our puppet doesn't understand the point. ― Ray laughed, hugging the trapeze artist by the shoulder. ― Which one is the real young master?

― You just don't get it. ― sighed Benjin pushing the magician. ― Neither of them is the real one, he doesn't know who he is yet.

― Wow, the conversation is taking a very philosophical turn for a stupid mortal like me to understand.

― But that's not what bothered you, is it Aslan?

As always Vincent's questions were shrewd in hitting the mark. Aslan had pondered whether or not to tell what he had discovered about Leonardo that night, weighing the possible consequences it might have.

No one had asked for secrecy. Besides, he wanted to know Benjin's reaction to hearing about it. He wanted to tell, because he imagined that the trapeze artist would be the main force to keep the young master between them.

That would be his mission from that night on.

― After the band played, they were surrounded by people. Especially the young master who was chatting with a girl. I wouldn't pay that much attention to it if it wasn't for the reaction of Leo's friends.

― Their reaction?

― Yeah, it was like they were on alert. Ready to intervene.

Benjin arched an eyebrow in confusion.

― But why?

Aslan had raised his finger.

― She was the young master's ex-girlfriend.

All three of them widened their eyes in amazement at the information. No one would imagine that the young master had ever had a relationship before. In fact they didn't even remember the possibility that he was already engaged. Benjin petrified in place, while Ray cracked a wide grin.

― Leo has a girlfriend? A girl? ― Murmured the trapeze artist.

― Wait, wait, you said ex, didn't you Aslan?

Aslan had expected exactly that reaction, for he too should have made that pouty face in front of Leonardo's friends. Dating someone was natural, yes, especially when you're in the prime of your life. However for those main attractions that lousy information could mess up all the plans formulated to bring the college student to fulfill his role as heir.

Hence the shock.

― By the way, Leonardo used to be the drummer of the band and not the vocalist.

― Well, that's news to me. ― Vincent was surprised. ― When I heard about the band, he was already the vocalist. What happened to change him?

― What surprises me is that you didn't notice, Vicente.

― Me? Why?

Aslan had peeked his eyes.

― When you went to visit Leo to report Master Evilian's condition, didn't you notice anything strange about him?

Vincent had been thoughtfully silent for a few moments, even bringing his fingers to his chin. But he still denied it with his head.

― I don't remember seeing anything strange.

― Tell me, Aslan! ― argued Benjin, threatening to throw the pillow. ― You don't even know how to count things properly.

― If you throw this and break something I'll blow you to pieces! Anyway, basically what culminated in the end of the relationship of the young master was the discovery of betrayal. His girlfriend cheated on him with the lead singer of the band at the time.

The pillow would fall on the floor.

― How... How could they? Leo? Cheat on Leo?

― Well, young people these days are too impatient, I'm not surprised by that.

Ray had received a slap on the head from Vincent.

― Why was he betrayed?

― It seems that Leo was too focused on work, his friends say that it was a mess because the vocalist tried to hurt the young master's hand. ― Noticing Vincent's surprised look, Aslan looked at him again ― That's why I asked if you saw any strange behaviour.

― I don't think I noticed anything different.

― Not even if he was hiding his hands in his pockets?

Growing thoughtful again, Vincent now looked up at the ceiling, squinting his eyes, only to open them wide.

― Oh yes! He walked with his hands in his pockets.

― So it is likely that this has already happened. The young master's friends said he was quite shaken by the break-up and the betrayal.

― Add that to Master Evilian's illness.

― Oh, Leo. I noticed the scar on his hand, but I had no idea what had happened. ― Benjin stood back down, hugging the pillow again. ― How could they dare to hurt him?

― All right, all right, but what does this have to do with you changing your mind about the young master?

Aslan leaned lazily on the table, yawning, already feeling more tired after telling what he had discovered that night.

― I told him the girl was there talking to Leo, and then the guy who hurt him showed up too. I ended up intervening to get the young master out of the way, but that guy... Argh if Leo hadn't stopped me I would have broken that bastard's jaw.

Ray's eyes shone as he sat down next to Aslan's feet. Just as he was about to catch a glimpse of the blond's little explored side, the magician settled himself at Aslan's feet. Resting his chin on his legs, the magician smiled weakly.

― What a fascinating face, my little piece of cloud.

― Ray, mind your manners. ― Alerted the administrator. ― So the guy who hurt the young master showed up tonight.

― From the way the new drummer spoke, I assume that human trash and his ex-girlfriend keep showing up at the bar when the band plays.

Aslan continued his insights into the case. He went over every piece of information he could get from Leonardo's friends, ignoring Ray's mean jokes and Benjin's silence.

Leonardo was the priceless heir. Precious to that group of people. Everyone depended on his staying within Dreamland to continue with Master Evilian's dream. A jewel that needs to be polished to encrust in the crown of a king.

To discover that someone wanted to hurt him at all costs biassed by envy culminated in the purest anger. At the end of the story they understood why Aslan had changed his mind.

― I wanted to go slower to make Leonardo mine, but it looks like I'll have to act. ― Said Benjin as he raised his bright green eyes in determination. ― It looks like I will have to hasten my victory in this bet.

― Tell me what you intend to do, Ben!

― You'll see Ray. Besides, we need a new attraction, don't we?

― Oh, by the way, I told the young master's friends that he's an intern at Dreamland Circus. You better get ready in case they show up here to see him.

Vicente opened his jacket to take out his notebook and a pen, making a quick note.

― As long as they don't find out about him being the heir, I assume. But if the young master introduced you as a co-worker, then they will also find out about you.

― No problem since I have no relationship with them.

Ray had rested his head in Aslan's lap again, looking at him satisfied. The weak smile barely fit on his face.

― At this moment I see wires going from side to side in your head. What is our genius trying to predict?

Aslan was so immersed in his thoughts that he barely noticed Ray's proximity to him. His head was like a machine working at full throttle at moments like these. At the instant in which an answer was needed, his thoughts became light on the search. Little by little a picture appeared in his mind showing the various possibilities of answers.

― If the young master's friends can appear here to see him, there is the probability that those two will also come.

― We can bar their entry into the park.

― Young master would not agree to that, and would also end up exposing his connection with the park. ― Vicente reminded. ― A trainee would not have the power inside the park to bar the entrance of someone who does not like him.

― Should I do a magic trick on him then?

Benjin got up from the bed approaching Ray. Crouching down beside him, he stroked his white hair and gave him an intense look.

― Maybe we should.

Behind them Vincent was also standing, holding them by the collar of his dress.

― That's enough for both of you. We've already found out what we wanted, we should let young Aslan rest.

― Wait a minute. ― Aslan hurried, picking up his mobile phone again to fiddle with it. ― Before that, I recorded some parts of Leo's presentation for you to see.

Putting on the recorded video, the other three leaned over paying attention. The instant Leonardo's voice came up, Benjin grabbed the mobile phone without blinking once.

Aslan had suppressed his laughter, getting up from his chair and heading to the bathroom to shower. It had been a great idea to have left the video last as a peacemaker. Their anger had surely subsided.