Vicente had arrived a few minutes after receiving the call. Without any hurry he entered the mansion and evaluated the fainted girl as if he knew what to do. Leonardo watched him getting more and more anxious.
― I can take her to the hospital in my car, it will be better.
― Don't worry, young master, we can take care of it here.
Leonardo arched a suspicious eyebrow at Vicente, who just smiled gently to himself. Being pushed and thrown out of the room by the administrator, the boy had swallowed the zillion questions by force.
Who was that girl?
Why was she like that?
What was she doing in the park?
Why had she fainted as soon as he reached her?
Why had Benjin been quiet the whole way, just following him?
And why the hell wouldn't anyone let him go to the hospital or call an ambulance?
His head was pounding with worry. Strange things were happening inside the park, and he had no idea how to react. He had never felt as useless in his entire life as he had at that moment.
Clenching his fingers into fists, Leonardo saw the door close behind him and all he could do was sigh loudly and wander through the mansion to his room. He put his hands in his pockets, silently holding his own anguish and impotence.
What should he do?
Wasn't he the owner of that place? Shouldn't he be the one making decisions and commanding the employees? As a boss, shouldn't he take care of those who work for him?
So why wouldn't they?
People were disappearing inside his park.
He still had that episode with Giovani, who said he had seen the suspect almost taking a child. Right under his nose!
And now a girl.
Her clothes were torn. There were bruises on her body.
What the hell was happening in Dreamland?
Stopping in the way, Leonardo had turned around. He didn't want to go to his room and cry like a child. He needed to put his thoughts in order.
"― Never forget that Dreamland belongs to you now. We all depend on you. If you don't want this place to become a stage for things like that, then you will have to work hard at protecting us."
Benjin's words came back clearly in his mind. From the moment he had arrived he had only danced in the palm of that damned clown's hand. He'd done everything he wanted to do, intern, quit his job, study and learn how to run the park behind the red curtains. Even if Leonardo rebelled against any statement, he was still doing what they wanted.
Entering the office, Leonardo took a deep breath closing the door behind him. The silence of the environment was comforting. Even the chair seemed comfortable at that moment.
He looked at the portrait of his family, feeling his eyes tingling.
― What should I do, Dad?
He sighed loudly and closed his eyes. He wasn't going to cry. He was no longer a child, he had to act like an adult and face his problems. He had survived the world on his own until now, he wasn't going to back down just because he was dealing with more dangerous things.
Even though he should have been afraid.
He knew, in his core, that it was okay to be afraid.
But people were depending on him.
Taking the mobile phone from his pocket, Leonardo looked for a number that he had never thought of dialing. He had saved it there just in case, since they were in the park and talking right there. He hadn't even called it on whatsapp.
But the story had gone another way.
― Detective Monteccello.
A reassuring smile had appeared on his lips.
― Giovani, it's Leo! Sorry to call you so suddenly. I wanted to exchange some ideas with you, are you free now?
― I just left Lucas with the guardianship council, we can talk now. Did something happen?
― Oh, you didn't find out about Lucas?
― He's an orphan boy who ran away from the orphanage because of abuse. But we're working on it, and now he's in a safe place. There's nothing to worry about.
― What a relief ― Sighed the university student leaning back in his chair ― I called you because I need you to come here.
― Why? Your voice doesn't sound good.
A smile appeared on Leonardo's lips. Giovani was very keen on details. He was the second person to notice when something was bothering him, even though he tried to hide it.
― I can't tell too many details over the phone, but it seems we have a possible survivor of the disappearances ― Whispered the boy turning his chair so that his back was to the table ― She's unconscious now, and I'm keeping her here at the mansion. What... What am I supposed to do? I'm a bit lost.
Giovani had gone mute on the other side of the line, and then Leonardo heard a tired sigh. Was he asking too much of him? He knew that the detective had other matters to attend to, even though disappearances were in his jurisdiction.
― Tell me what happened.
Leaning his head back in his chair, Leonardo had told him about going to the staff barbecue and enjoying himself when the girl suddenly appeared. He told about the state she was in, her plea for help and about fainting immediately afterwards.
Leonardo had taken off his coat and covered her before taking her in his arms and going into the mansion without attracting the attention of the officials, who didn't even notice his absence.
When he had finished telling the story, he felt his eyes burn and his voice falter. He swallowed dry the cake that had formed in his throat, forcing a smile on his face to recover his posture.
― You handled yourself well, kid. That must have been scary for you. I'll be on my way then, I'll bring a doctor I trust, do you mind?
― No, I think that would be best. I think Vicente just wants to avoid media trouble if he calls the ambulance here.
― Probably. Don't worry then.
― I'll send you on whatsapp a way to come straight to the mansion without going through the park. Just don't share it with anyone.
― See you in a bit then.
Giovani was of few words, but he felt comfortable by his side. Disconnecting the mobile phone from the call, Leonardo closed his eyes still feeling his head throbbing in confusion. He hoped he had made the best decision by leaning on the detective.
A smell of pitch heralded the arrival of a visitor. Leonardo didn't dare to open his eyes or turn around. He had no head to deal with Benjin's jokes.
― Vincent said the girl is fine now. You don't have to worry.
His voice sounded reluctant. Was he usually so soft like this? Leonardo had the impression that Benjin's voice was always melodious and high, like an excited child. But now it had sounded so taciturn. It didn't suit him.
What impressed Leonardo the most was to be attentive to how Benjin's voice sounded.
― All right, thanks for telling me.
Stroking his forehead, Leonardo tried to reorganise his thoughts. He needed to hold his nerve until the detective arrived. His next steps would depend on what he would say, and he hoped the girl would cooperate with the investigation.
Suddenly he felt something warm in his face. Leonardo opened his eyes to find those greenish pearls staring back at him. Benjin leaned his knee on the chair between the spaces in Leonardo's legs, leaning towards him being dangerously close.
― Leo, are you feeling agonised? Do you want me to help you calm down?
― Do you intend to do that by kissing me again? I'm not in the mood for that right now, Benjin.
A sad smile had appeared on the trapeze artist's face.
― When you finally speak my name it is to fight with me. I don't know whether to be happy or sad about it.
― Could you leave me alone now?
Twisting his lips, the trapeze artist leaned close enough to rest his forehead on Leonardo's shoulder. He held his arms without receiving a touch back.
― I feel like you're going away. I don't like it when you worry about those bad things. Do you hate the person who's doing this?
― Hm... Yes, I hate him. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have to worry about the people who chose to work to fulfil my father's dream.
His voice sounded strange to his own ears. Leonardo realised that maybe he wasn't the only one afraid of that unknown man who seemed to play with people. Wrapping his arms around Benjin, he felt his muscles tremble at his touch.
Maybe Benjin was scared too.
He was human after all.
Besides he had also been the target of perversity before, like what happened that night with his former sponsor. Benjin would probably be the one who understands fear best.
Yeah... That was why he was hugging him at that moment.
Leonardo's arms were warm. Benjin couldn't take it and had fallen to his knees at his feet, laying his head on his thighs. He was completely flushed and at his mercy.
Look at how weak one could be in the face of fear.
There was no way he would let things go that way. This moment allowed no space for regrets or even doubts.
People needed to be protected.
And there was no one else capable of doing that, not since that person had died.
Leonardo's long fingers went to Benjin's silver hair, stroking it gently and feeling its softness.
― It will be alright. I will protect you.
The promise drew a smile from Benjin, who rubbed his cheeks against Leonardo's leg. He looked like a sneaky kitten who wanted to be spoiled by its owner.
― I'm counting on you, Leo.