Chapter 36 - He looks different

Something was different.

When they were at the barbecue with the other park employees, Benjin felt for the first time what it was like to live like the others. To have fun with friends, to participate in a party like that and to be with your loved one.

Everything was perfect that afternoon.

He was even waiting anxiously for the ideal moment to kiss Leonardo. He wanted to do something different so that his feelings for his new master were taken seriously.

Maybe things could have gone well, if it wasn't for the sudden appearance of that girl.

Benjin had watched Leonardo come out of that wonderful bubble and go headlong into worry. Just as he had done with himself, he had removed his coat and wrapped his arms around the girl. The memory Benjin held so fondly as the reunion between the lovers seemed a kindness Leonardo would do for anyone.

With ease that beloved person held someone else in her arms and moved further and further away from him.

The bitter taste appeared in his mouth, forcing him to recognize the unhealthy jealousy.

He felt lost for not having the attention he wanted.

As if his own existence was at risk.

So he went after Leonardo in his office, and what he found was a chair that hid him from himself. Benjin had heard him sigh, and so he had approached him. He tried to bring him back to his normal self by finding a wall being erected between them.

How could you make him look only at you?

Don't think about anything else. Forget the person who is bringing you pain. Look at this pathetic trapeze artist who is desperate for your attention.

And when he felt a warm hand stroking his hair, Benjin found a thread of hope. It was all right to kneel at his feet and act like a submissive dog. It was all right.

Just don't pull that warm hand away.

― We have to go now, Benjin.

The trapeze artist had raised his head and was staring curiously at the university student. Suddenly he saw a determined gleam in those dark eyes.

What was that?

Leonardo had risen from his chair, leaning over to grasp Benjin's elbows and help him to his feet. Still surprised by that sudden change in his young master, his body trembled at receiving his care.

― Where are you going now? ― He had dared to ask.

With his back to him, Leonardo looked grown up. A thin smile appeared on his lips, leaving Benjin flushed. He looked mature as well as determined. Not bad.

― Settle this clownishness ― He had left the office with his hands in his pockets, taking a few steps before looking back, arching an eyebrow ― You're not coming?

Benjin's chest tightened, his heart beating wildly when he had received that insignificant invitation. His feet moved on their own to run up to the young master and grab his blouse.

For the first time he felt shy around Leonardo.

― I will always be on your side, Leo.

He heard a muffled laugh coming from him, and then followed his young master down the hall of the mansion.

Some of that sudden sadness was dispelled by that laugh.

Realising where they were going, Benjin was curious to know what Leonardo's next steps would be. They were returning to the room where the girl was.

Opening the doors of the living room, the three subjects who were standing near the upholstered couch paled in confusion at the sudden arrival of their young master. Leonardo took a deep breath crossing his arms.

― How are things here?

Vincent and Ray exchanged reluctant glances, Aslan being the one who approached Leonardo.

― She looks fine on the outside, but I still think it would be better to have a doctor, but Vincent says no.

― Oh piece of cloud is making a face and being a hard finger.

― Shut up! Does that even make any sense? It's the right thing to do.

― She's fine, I can tend to her wounds.

― Are you, by any chance, graduated in medicine or nursing? ― rattled Leonardo, inclining his head towards Vicente.

― Of course not, young master.

― That's what I thought. Aslan, take the gate control and go to receive Giovani.

― What? Why is that guy coming here? ― replied Ray, leaning on Aslan's head.

― Because I called him, he is coming with a doctor and he is going to take a look at this girl.

Aslan smiled as he got rid of the magician and went to get the control following Leonardo's request. Vincent blinked dazedly at Benjin, who could only stare bewilderedly at the university student.

So different.

Only a few minutes were needed for such a distinguished figure to appear. Even his shoulders were raised.

His heart continued to beat wildly.

While they waited for the detective to arrive, no one had said a single word. Eventually Ray had followed Aslan out of the mansion, while Vincent tended to the girl's wounds. A completely agonising silence for those disturbed.

But for Benjin, it was like being in paradise.

Leaning against the wall next to Leonardo, the trapeze artist was unable to calm down. Even though he heard the sound of a car engine and conversations coming from outside he hadn't minded. He was numbed by that different aura that left Leonardo as the only living being on the planet.

― They are here.

Leonardo had gone to greet the detective and the doctor. He guided them to the couch where the girl was and the doctor, who seemed to be the same age as Giovani, soon began to examine the girl.

The instant he stepped inside the mansion, Giovani saw Benjin and his eyes widened. The trapeze artist had felt a shiver run down his spine when he had returned the look, finding that terror present.

Closing his eyes, Benjin had looked the detective up and down seeing him for the first time. He had heard of him, and that he had become close to Leonardo, which seemed to be true given how quickly he had answered his call. But he didn't like him anymore.

His distrust was clear.

― Thank you for coming, Giovani ― Greeted Leonardo with a smile.

― It was nothing...

Noticing the tension there, the university student pointed at Benjin.

― Ah, this is Benjin the circus trapeze artist who also lives here. That time you spent the night here you didn't meet him since Benjin was performing in the show.

Giovani's shoulders relaxed a little, although his physiognomy remained tense and suspicious. Without prolonging the introductions, everyone's focus of attention was on the doctor who was examining the unconscious girl.

― I haven't received any missing persons reports in the last week ― murmured the detective ― Is the park closed today?

― Yes, it's the staff fraternisation day.

― Either she ran away before the park was closed, or the kidnapper is someone from inside. Uh... I'll need to check the security cameras again.

Leonardo gave Vicente a corner look.

― I want you to accompany him to our security system, Vicente ― ordered the university student ― I also want to receive a report of what you have found. I won't allow that kidnapper to play here.

Vicente swallowed dryly before nodding his head.

― As you wish, young master.

― How is she, Mathias?

The doctor removed his stethoscope from his ears as he turned to the others.

― It is likely that she is unconscious due to stress, she must have had a hard time to escape. I see no signs of rape and only these small bruises. She was quite lucky to be able to escape her abductor.

― Do you think it would be better to send her to a hospital? ― asked Leonardo, worried.

― It is recommended to make sure there is no internal damage.

Leonardo nodded, scratching the back of his neck.

― I will take her myself, in that case. I can do it tomorrow morning when I go to college.

― Since we are done here, can I see the images from the cameras?

Agreeing with his head, Leonardo looked quickly at the administrator he had referred to the detective's side. The doctor had indicated the hospital where he worked and soon went to wait in Giovani's car, looking tired.

Benjin had cast a quick glance at Ray, who silently withdrew from the living room.

― Aslan, would you be so kind as to prepare dinner? If this girl wakes up, she's probably hungry.

― As you wish, young master.

Being alone at last, Benjin stood silently watching Leonardo. He heard him sigh once more, and then toss his hair back. He sat down in an armchair and crossed his legs, resting his head on his right hand, drumming his fingers on the light upholstery trapped in his own world.

Benjin could hardly contain the smile on his face.

That was a real Evilian.

Strong. Fearless. A leader.

It seems that the change he felt coming from Leonardo would be the chains that imprison him to that place becoming more and more resistant.

He could barely fit the happiness in his chest.

Benjin sat on the arm of the upholstery, leaving his legs on the young master's lap. The dark eyes went to him coldly, however Benjin had not swayed. He was too fascinated to see that change take place before his eyes.

― You look happy, you perverted trapeze artist.

― Is that how I look? I'm just proud that you've decided to take care of Dreamland.

They exchanged glances as if one was trying to decipher the other's thoughts. Immersed in a comforting silence, in no hurry to take the next step. For Benjin that person had grown in seconds, fascinatingly before his eyes.

He wanted to touch it.

He wanted to show how unbridled his heart was beating for him.

He wanted to dominate his attention so that no one else would steal him away from him.

He was becoming more and more selfish.

― You look like you're going to do perverted things.

― Well, how did you find out? ― laughed the trapeze artist, receiving a pinch on his calf ― Ah, ah, but I haven't even done anything yet, that hurts!

― That's a warning for you not to do it. You're already sitting up comfortably to pin me in the armchair.

― Fascinating how easily my plans were discovered ― Benjin had held Leonardo's face with both hands and was able to bring him close enough to feel his breath touch his cheeks ― I have been holding myself so tight lately, I must be becoming transparent to you Leo.

Leonardo sighed tiredly.

― Then do it.

Surprised by the permission received, the trapeze artist had felt his fingertips suddenly become warm. It was the first time Leonardo had ever let him touch or kiss him.

Did that mean he was reaching out to him?

By heavens, that young master was driving him crazy.

Before he could change his mind and push him away, Benjin had kissed him warmly. Feeling his skin on his fingertips, feeling the strands of hair near his ear tickle him and his breath fails him.

The touch of their tongues that met fighting for space had been maddening. The movement of their perfectly matching lips made the trapeze artist greedier and greedier. He wanted more. To play more and more.

Even if it stole his breath in that wet kiss, it wasn't enough. When their mouths parted, they were still connected by a thin thread of saliva. And then Benjin realised that his self-control would only last until the moment night fell.

He would definitely visit his young master's room when the mansion plunged into silence.