Leonardo had never been with another guy before.
He had never experienced receiving statements from another guy before.
Leonardo just needed to think a little more about the experiences he was having with Benjin. Because, somehow, they were like an inverted roller coaster that made him afraid of falling because he had no support on his feet.
Initially he was uncomfortable having Benjin around all the time. Finding out that he was his fiancé and that it was all part of a plan left by his father had contributed to that feeling. He had been under the impression that he was not attracted to boys since he had never thought much about it.
But after being kissed for the first time by another guy, Leonardo had become curious. To his surprise, no other man seemed interesting. The people who surrounded him in college or at the bar didn't seem to have any romantic interest. He didn't find the same euphoric glow in them that he always saw in Benjin.
And when he returned to the mansion to find him in his room, that trapeze artist seemed like an open book. Without making the slightest effort to hide his own feelings.
Little by little it became routine.
Feeling Benjin's lips on his caused unknown and not so bad sensations. Clearly he had kissed before, and knew how to recognize the pleasure, only that with Benjin things seemed more intense and uncontrolled.
A true unknown sea.
An unknown of which he was about to unravel.
That was the reason he had given his permission.
The trapeze artist held the brunette's waist, lifting his shirt just enough to slip his hand under it and touch the warm skin. Shivers ran through Leonardo's body, making him shiver under Benjin's arms and elicit a muffled laugh from him.
He hadn't been able to concentrate on what he felt with the kiss when he had that curious hand groping his abdomen and climbing shamelessly to his chest. The instant Benjin's tongue had started to make the kiss more muffled, his forefinger had rubbed over a nipple that was stiff.
The second shiver had completely numbed Leonardo.
He'd been careful not to touch them, but he seemed to change his mind. Leonardo had noticed when the kiss had ended and Benjin's lips had moved down his neck. The wet seals he distributed also caused intense shivers, making him realise for the first time that he was sensitive in that region.
― I can hear your heart beating very fast, Leo ― Whispered Benjin with a pretentious smile ― I just need to find out what made him like this.
Rubbing his thumb across the stiff nipple, Leonardo arched his back, suppressing his voice from coming out. Covering his mouth with his hand, he had felt the heat on his face as well as the surprise in his body reacting that way. His heart would jump out of his chest.
― What do you think you're doing?
He had heard Benjin laugh.
― Exploring. Though I'm in no hurry to get the answers.
Again he had felt Benjin's lips on his, resuming that hot, wet kiss. He definitely had no idea how to react. He was doing whatever he wanted, dominating him completely. Leonardo could only feel the touch of his tongue and how hot Benjin's mouth was.
Damn he was a good kisser.
Unconsciously Leonardo had wrapped his arms around Benjin's neck holding him to himself. He kept his lips ajar waiting anxiously for the explosion of pleasure that Benjin could deliver.
Noticing that reaction, the trapeze artist didn't hold back. He continued to stimulate her nipple and kiss it eagerly. With his free hand he fingered his abdomen and stroked his navel, pleased with another such natural reaction. Leaning against both their bodies, the two boys realised that those heated touches were already bringing results.
Benjin pulled away from Leonardo, completely lifting his blouse to distribute the seals on his chest. Taking advantage of the dark of the night, he nibbled and sucked him until he reached the stimulated nipple where he began to play with the tip of his tongue.
The moment the wet muscle touched that sensitive region, Leonardo let out an embarrassed gasp. His heart leapt out of his chest, and his mouth was hastily covered.
― I wanted to see your face right now, Leo. You must be very lovely.
― Shut... Your mouth.
His voice had sounded husky and shy, a real novelty that had excited the trapeze artist even more. His mouth turned to the nipple, a little more aggressively biting and sucking on it just to revel in Leonardo's reactions.
While his mouth provided unprecedented pleasure, Benjin's hands snaked curiously around his waist until his fingers tangled in the elastic of his sweatpants. Digging his hands into the trousers alone, he spread them on each buttock squeezing him extremely hard pulling out a restrained moan.
He was being teased, but Leonardo's mind slowly went blank. Benjin touched him and waited for his reactions before continuing. His fingers went to the platinum hair where he squeezed it, and a loud sigh echoed through the room.
What was that?
His body was getting hotter and hotter and responding to every touch of that puppet. Was he getting aroused? He could already feel the boxer shorts becoming a nuisance!
His body was being bitten and sucked with ferocity, it hurt in some places.
Until he felt a warm hand wrap around his covered member. His legs closed immediately and his hands pushed against Benjin's chest.
― Don't touch!
― Eh? Why not?
― It's weird.
Benjin had held Leonardo's hands and a smile appeared on his lips. He could feel his warmth and his excitement, but it was a real pity not to be able to see his expression. His body was reacting completely differently to his words.
― Leo, are you ashamed of me?
Yes! He wanted to scream immediately, but his voice wouldn't come out.
Especially since you felt his hand on yours, not pulling away.
― I left you in this state and I can make you feel good ― Murmured the trapeze artist leaning over Leonardo again.
― I told you it's strange.
― You've already done it with someone else, I know that ― He answered seriously.
That tone of voice alarmed Leonardo.
Did he know?
Well, not that he tried to hide the fact that he had dated other people before. It was natural. But... He was uncomfortable.
Because until then he was the one providing the pleasure to someone else, not the other way around.
― I promise I won't do it until the end ― Their fingers intertwined, and Leonardo had felt the tightness between them ― Not until you give me permission.
He could smell the pitch near him. His body was warm and longing to be touched, which was too strange. Would it be better to end it all at once? He could go to sleep right away and forget it ever happened.
Even if Benjin didn't do anything, Leonardo would have to fix his erection.
And.. He was curious what that puppet would do.
― All right...
Oh, he was certainly smiling. Leonardo could just imagine that silly, euphoric smile Benjin always had.
With his permission the kiss had resumed, more thirsty and eager. Along with the touch of Benjin's hands, the brunette's body responded immediately.
How could this happen?
Why was his body betraying him like that?
Was it because he hadn't done it lately? But that had never bothered him before. Maybe he should be more attentive to his needs.
And when Benjin's lips returned to his nipples, Leonardo had felt the stings of pain from his bites. Followed by the burning came the pleasure when the tip of his tongue played with the nipple inside his mouth. Inside Benjin's mouth was warm.
It was then that he felt his hand grasp his still covered member and begin stroking it to stimulate it. Leonardo hadn't suppressed a groan from feeling Benjin's hand, holding his shoulders unsure what to do.
It was the first time his body had been stimulated like that, leaving him salivating in pleasure. The relief he had felt when his member had been freed from his boxer, had only been suppressed by the need to be touched.
Pain of being bitten and the pleasure of being masturbated yearning for his limit. Leonardo had never had an experience like that. Reaching orgasm, he fell apart in Benjin's hand.
― Sorry Leo, but I need it too...
Leonardo's mind was blank as his trousers and boxer shorts were ripped from him. He wanted to assimilate what had happened and how his body was reacting when he felt Benjin's hands squeeze his thighs and something wet touch his skin.
His dark eyes widened as he felt the wet kisses on his thigh, his arousal returning as Benjin seemed to delight in that area.
Was he crazy?
He had already cum! Could you do it again...?
― What are you doing?
― Together, I want us to cum together Leo.
It was then that Leonardo realised that he might not be the only one who felt aroused. He was so anxious to understand his own body that he had forgotten that Benjin might also want to be touched.
He knew very well that it was evil to be the only one to reach the apex.
His thighs were brought together and Benjin's hands were forcing them to keep them rigid.
― Don't pull them apart, please.
Swallowing hard, Leonardo had no idea what was in store for him. Another gasp had escaped his lips as his legs were lifted and he felt something warm and moist rub against his thighs.
Don't say he was...
He could feel it.
He felt something strange and pulsing between his thighs.
Benjin had hugged Leonardo's legs as his member penetrated his thighs and rubbed next to the other newly stimulated member. The strange sensations returned with force, without the brunette understanding exactly what was happening.
Only that it was good.
Was this how two guys did it?
He imagined it was more painful.
Unconsciously Leonardo tightened his thighs around Benjin's stiff member, and for the first time that night he had heard him moan. Hearing his voice sound like that had made him have a flash of awareness about what was happening.
He was having sex with the circus trapeze artist.
But before his mind could recriminate his actions, the orgasm was about to return. His mind had become clouded and his whole warm body made him numb.
He would think about the consequences later.
He needed to get to a point first.
He had felt Benjin's body quiver in pleasure as he penetrated him between his thighs. Every now and then his tongue and kisses were lapped at his legs, and his hands returned to pleasure him. It seemed that this puppet knew exactly what to do.
Until finally they came together.
Only then Leonardo's legs were freed, feeling the other lying over him and kissing him warmly. Without any force, he would just let him do what he wanted.
Sleep came soon after. His body was exhausted and his chest hurt. He could pull the hair of that perverted puppet after he woke up. All he needed was a rest.
Leonardo hadn't seen Benjin take care of himself after his eyes had closed. The trapeze artist had cleaned him up and dressed him, settling down next to him on the bed so they could sleep embraced. And as he stroked the dark hair, the passionate smile was present.
― Finally you came back to me, Leo.