Chapter 51 - The trauma of an Evilian

The situation was getting out of control.

The objective was simple, follow the girl to find out where she was going and if by chance she would find any suspects that matched the portrait he had made. Investigating Dreamland had made it clear that the place was not only huge geographically, but everything about it was big and mysterious.

And now they had entered an unknown space where a huge train was abandoned.

Gripping the girl on his back with difficulty, Giovani returned to the side of the young Evilian who was still in a state of terror. He had never seen him like that before, nor did he know what to do to help him. Not that he could do much in such a desperate situation.

― Hey kid, is everything alright? What's going on?

Leonardo couldn't take his eyes off the train, his body was shaking and little by little the colour of his face was disappearing. He was getting more and more desperate, without knowing exactly what to do. Probably he wouldn't be able to carry those two to the mansion... By the way, Giovani had no idea how to get back to the mansion.

― But what the hell...

― There is the young master.

The low voice made that well-known silhouette appear among the darkness. The magician completely ignored Giovani's presence, walking over to his young master. Crouching down beside him, he passed his hand in front of his eyes without Leonardo blinking or giving any sign that he would notice his presence.

― That's not good.

― Hey, kid, do you happen to know where we are?

Ray was a magician who always answered people with his sharp tongue, as a way to keep them away. Like a great attraction, he was always busy to the point of evading the detective's requests to collaborate with the investigation. Just like that trapeze artist and the administrator, the magician was someone Giovani couldn't help but suspect.

For the first time Giovani saw him look worried about someone as he checked Leonardo's pulse. But as soon as the question was asked, Ray threw a sharp as a sword glance at the detective, who felt the hostility immediately.

― Why did you bring him here? Don't you know that this area is forbidden?

― No, I don't. And it wasn't me who brought him, it was him who brought me since we were following this girl.

Ray narrowed his eyes at the fainted girl and then sighed, ruffling his hair.

― This is really one of the worst case scenarios... Let's go back to the mansion.

― Hey, what the hell is this place? And what happened to the boy?

As if by magic, and maybe it was, Ray covered Leonardo's eyes so that they closed and he could pick him up. At no time did the magician look at the train, or seem to be bothered by the place, which only made Giovani's intuition grow alarmed.

― You know detective, most people have secrets to keep. If you knew about this place and the relationship it has with our young master, could you guarantee his sanity?


Indeed, Leonardo seemed to be facing his greatest nightmare. But he couldn't imagine why. Probably what shocked him most was that he imagined that the working boy could fall to his knees like that.

However, that didn't mean the detective would let it go. He was close to someone who kidnapped people. He had no idea who this guy was, but he knew he was in the park and knew the place well enough to act right under his nose.

Leonardo wouldn't be the only one to lose his sanity.

― The same way you ensure the safety of your clients? - The detective said, approaching the magician ― To me it smells like an equivalent exchange. The sanity of one for the life of another. Come on, it's too cold for these two.

Whether Ray liked his answer or not, Giovani could not say. On the way back they were immersed in the silence and the darkness until they returned safely to the mansion.

Had it not been for the blasted blackout, Giovani would have memorised the route to investigate that place again. He would have to check a map later to find out what that place was. Maybe he could remember the directions.

As soon as they stepped into the mansion, the other three tenants of that place were already worried. The trapeze artist ran towards the magician to check on his young master, filling them both with questions. However, Giovani did not want to answer.

Laying the girl down on the room's upholstery, the detective let out a long, tired sigh. The feeling of walking in circles in an infinite labyrinth was agonising him again. It wasn't easy to find clues about that damned kidnapper, but he definitely needed to get back on that train.

― Take the young master to his room. Benjin you take care of him, Aslan and Ray take care of the girl.

Vicente was already calmly taking the reins of the situation. Quickly those three organised themselves under his command and went about their tasks, leaving only the detective with the administrator.

― I must warn you to be careful around here, Mister Monteccello.

Ah, there he was. Those amber eyes that seemed to watch him every inch he moved. Despite his politeness in every gesture, he was like a puppet pretending right in front of him. He wouldn't have forgotten that he was the one who lied about Leonardo inviting the girl to stay at the mansion.

― Wouldn't it be precisely because of this danger that you warn so much, that I came to investigate?

― That doesn't mean that our young master wants his esteemed guest to be in danger.

Giovani smiled mockingly.

It would be all right to poke a little more, just to know what the answer would be, wouldn't it?

― The young master? If that boy really didn't want to face danger, then why would he come along with me to follow the girl? I know very well that it is you who manipulates things around here.

The amber glowed as the sharp gaze was directed at the detective. Even so, Giovani was not shaken. He kept his chin up and crossed his arms, making it clear that he wasn't just anyone. He wouldn't let himself be shaken just because someone looked at him.

Bandits did that all the time when they got caught.

― Of course the young master wouldn't want to go to that place if he knew that was where you were going. That I can assure you.

Even if upset, Giovani had to agree. Considering the way Leonardo had gone pale and on his knees, those were already obvious signs that the train had a story. And that this story involved the Dreamland heir.

― One more place to investigate.

― I wouldn't recommend it, for your sake.

― Either I investigate or I will arrest your precious young master as a suspect in the hijackings.

Threatening the heir was effective, Giovani noted. Vicente looked reluctant for a moment before softening his expression and opening the smile he used to. The good-natured mask he always wore. Little by little Vincent stopped pretending in front of Giovani.

― I understand. I only ask that you wait for the young master's permission, since that place belongs to Dreamland.

He did not like that one bit. Giovani knew very well that Vincent was trying to gain time. Unfortunately he could not see much of the place to ensure that no important clues were hidden. The advantage was his.

― So be it.

― Meanwhile, wouldn't you like to wait in the young master's office? ― The sudden question had surprised Giovani, who arched an eyebrow without hiding his distrust ― It won't take long to get your answer, so I assume you can wait until then. Unless you have an appointment.

That boy's office? Surely there would be much to investigate, but it hadn't crossed Giovani's mind to do it so blatantly. In fact, he already imagined that if he wanted to set foot in a room or office, he would have to present a search warrant. But there was that administrator offering it to him on a silver platter.

And Giovani would not be crazy not to accept.

― Very well, I can wait then.

Vicente took the detective around the mansion, walking in silence all the way. Giovani looked at the blond man and compared him to the silhouette he had seen that day. There was no scar in his eye, and also Vincent was a little taller and stronger than the suspect of that night. Even though his way of walking was full of elegance, he would dare say that the slightest movements were elegant.

If it wasn't for his obviously suspicious behaviour, Giovani would say it was absurd that that administrator was involved.

In any case, he would keep his eyes on him.

As soon as the office door had been opened, Vicente stopped in the corridor and pointed into the room.

― We have arrived, Mr. Monteccello.

Shaking his head, Giovani entered the office, letting out a whistle at the unusual decoration. It was as if he had entered some old-fashioned planetarium, but still beautiful. But he doubted that this was the boy's personal taste.

― So... this is Evilian's office?

― It belonged to the late Master Evilian. To make the young master feel comfortable, we haven't changed anything, not even removed his belongings.

A shiver ran down Giovani's spine when he passed in front of a completely written whiteboard. He didn't understand much, but one or two words already showed that this student was dealing with Dreamland's administrative affairs.

It was definitely a lot for someone so young.

― Did he accept the death of the former owner well?

Vicente walked over to a countertop where there was an electric coffee machine. Putting a capsule inside, he turned it on.

― That is something that even I cannot tell. Even though the young master seems to be very easy to read, it is as if he does not allow us to unravel him so easily.

As soon as the smell of coffee filled the whole office, Giovani felt his body relax a little more. The cup was extended to him by the administrator, who was also pushing a book on the wooden table.

― What is this?

― This is Dreamland's account book for the last few years. Maybe you will find something interesting here.

Accepting the cup of coffee and taking a sip, Giovani smiled mischievously.

― One of the suspects hands me a secret document and expects me to find something. Did you by any chance implant a false lead in there?

Vicente is a low laugh, covering his mouth with his gloved hand.

― But of course not. What could the disappearances have to do with the accounting?

― Then why do you want me to look?

― You're a detective, you must investigate absolutely every corner of Dreamland.

It definitely felt like running through a maze of false leads created by that administrator. But Giovani was inclined to accept falling into that trap. He would never have the chance to get his hands on a document like that, and it wasn't even necessary to ask.

He would seize the opportunity.

During the following hours in which he was left alone in the office, Giovani read that ledger attentively. He could see that the place only prospered over the years, with a new attraction always appearing when there was capital to spare. He also detailed the hiring of employees, which was seasonal.

Something that caught his attention was the period before the death of the former owner of the park. The activities seemed to run at half time, considering that the future was uncertain thanks to Evilian's illness. Giovani didn't think it would be a financial crisis, but he could tell that many things in the park had been put aside for some time.

When he got to the most recent reports, he noticed again the increase in activity. He had no idea when that boy would have taken over his late father's business, but it was clear that thanks to his presence the park could go back to its golden age. Still, for more than a year they had not opened the hiring period for employees.

Knocks on the door caught the detective's attention, and he was surprised to see Leonardo curled up under a blanket.

― Oh, so you're awake.

― Sorry, did I scare you? - Leonardo smiled as he entered the office.

He closed the ledger and realised that he had sat down on the floor to read. Getting up quickly, he left the book on the table and watched the boy approaching with an embarrassed smile.

― Don't even care about that, but more important... are you ok?

― Yes, I'm fine ― Leonardo laughed, leaning against the table and tightening the blanket.

― You know, kid, I've worked on several cases where people had to face dangerous criminals and even murderers face to face. They always look the same as you did before ― confided the detective, not wanting to pressure the boy. As curious as he was, he avoided looking directly at him ― So don't say that everything is fine when, in fact, it isn't.

Leonardo took a deep breath and turned to the table, running his fingertips over the wood. He remained silent for a moment until his voice was lower than usual.

― You know, Giovani, when Vicente told me that a police investigation was going to take place in Dreamland, I was afraid and wondered why this had to happen.

― People with bad intentions will not think much beyond their plan. Finding a suitable place is part of the plan, caring about the owner of the place is not.

― I imagine that's how it is ― laughed the university student looking at the picture frame on the table ― What scared me was knowing that once again the place my father fought to build would become the stage for these ill-intentioned people.

Giovani turned to Leonardo, being very attentive to those words. And he knew very well that he would not have hidden his expression when the young man faced him.

― What do you mean?

― This is not the first time Dreamland has been investigated for a crime. And it's one of the reasons why I desperately wanted to leave here and never come back.

Certainly this information was news to the detective. He had searched Dreamland's records and was sure nothing had been found. What did he mean they had been investigated? Had Giovani missed something?

His anxiety could no longer be hidden. The detective leaned on the table, looking directly at the boy, even though he felt sorry to press him when he was visibly shaken.

― What crime happened in this place? Does it have to do with your reaction in that place? And with the name... that you called?

Leonardo paled and froze in place, a shadow of dread seemed to return on his face just as it had hours before. Giovani confirmed that whatever had happened, it was a delicate subject for the boy. He would have to be calm and delicate to approach the subject, which could take a long time depending on how traumatised Leonardo was.

But to his surprise, the boy soon pulled himself together and showed him the family photo. In that picture a couple was holding two identical children.

― Your family? ― Leonardo smiled and nodded, and the detective looked at the picture again ― Two identical boys... so, you have a brother?

― Lucca was my older twin ― the boy commented, gaining the detective's attention ― We were eleven years old when he was killed by an abuser who had just gotten out of prison and hired as a circus performer.

A shiver had gone down Giovani's spine. A hired hand? How could Dreamland hire someone with a dirty record? Considering the size of the place, it was unthinkable that such carelessness could be committed. Precisely in a place where the victims would gather, completely distracted and unaware that danger was on their side.

It was hilarious that someone like the former Evilian could make a mistake.

― I'm really sorry about that. I imagine it was a difficult time for you. But what exactly happened to the guy?

Leonardo crossed his arms and bit his lips, seeming to think before answering. Without taking too long, the boy looked directly at the detective.

― He was found dead along with my brother... in front of that train.