Chapter 52 - Young master's nightmare

As soon as he had told about the great train tragedy, Giovani asked Leonardo's permission for him to investigate the case files. Of course, he could do that without even the young master Evilian's permission, but the brunette appreciated the gesture and granted the permission. After all, there might be a clue that would be of help in ending that torment.

For the rest of the weeks it had been difficult for Leonardo to rest. The pile of documents Vicente brought from the park administration seemed endless. Add to that his college work and the reports from his internship that needed to be done, his nights sleep was easily stolen.

Or were handed to him on a plate.

Winter was already at its peak, the park had fewer customers than in high season. All Dreamland's activities started to be indoors in covered tents, as its geographical location made rain a real hindrance. Thanks to this, the circus increased its activities by presenting two shows at the same time, so that a certain young trapeze artist was also busy to the point of almost not being seen inside the mansion.

On that cold night, Leonardo put the blanket over his shoulders without loosing his eyes from his report. He typed in the computer, scribbled in the notebook and typed again. A vicious cycle that robbed him of the whole Saturday afternoon without his noticing. Only when he took a cup to his mouth he woke up from his automatic mode, forming a slight pout on his lips for not having any more hot milk with honey to warm him up.

Looking at the time on his notebook, Leonardo leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes for a moment. Sighing heavily, he massaged his eyes, which burned slightly, longing for a rest. He just needed one good night of sleep, but since that night he couldn't sleep properly.

All because of the constant nightmares he was having.



Dread taking over him.

Smiles and laughs full of malice.

Every time Leonardo closed his eyes to sleep, he dreamt of that traumatic moment, when he saw the abuser taking him and his brother to the train. Just as he incessantly relived the dread of watching the same abuser being killed in front of him by a figure hiding on that train.

There was a fourth person that night.

But Leonardo couldn't remember his face right.

― Holy shit... I just want to sleep...

Taking a deep breath Leonardo looked out the window and realised that the park lights were already off. Well, it was already dawn. Would it be ok if he finished his homework over there? He needed to clear his mind anyway.

Getting up from his chair, he left the office walking down the corridor silently. The quietness of the corridors was a bit creepy. Everyone must have been sleeping, since they were busy beyond belief.

Reaching the mezzanine, he looked up at the empty living room. Near there would be the guest rooms where the girl and the detective would be sleeping. Thankfully, after that night, neither of them had caused any further trouble. Even Ray and Aslan were behaving themselves, given that their arguments were constant.

But what was really strange was Benjin's estrangement.

Since that day, Benjin had not come to his room.

― That day you stayed by my side until I woke up, but then you left... Don't tell me you got tired of... Oh, what am I thinking?

Leonardo spun on his heels facing the dark and silent corridor.

― I have no idea where your room is.

In silent steps he walked again, this time to his own room.

Without that irritating presence, that heat that always involved him, without the kisses and intimate touches that drove him to the verge of madness... It made Leonardo feel strangely empty. Maybe he had gotten used to Benjin, even if he was annoying.

― Don't they say that at times like this a couple should stay together to support each other? Where has he gone? No, wait ― Stopping in the middle of the hall, Leonardo blushed ― We're not a couple... Yes, we're not. What is this nonsense I'm thinking? It must be sleep... Yes, it's sleep talking loud.

Shaking his head frantically, Leonardo went to his room feeling his heart beating fast. With his hand outstretched towards the doorknob, he longed to open the door. There was a chance that when he opened it, he would find that perverted puppet lying on the bed waiting for him.

As always.

Not that he wanted him there.

Not that he expected him...

But it would be nice to have his company.

So he wouldn't feel alone.

Swallowing in dry, Leonardo opened the door, raising his dark eyes. Turning on the bedroom lights, he bit his lip to see the empty room.

― What did I expect?

The bitter taste of loneliness didn't make him very comfortable. That same way he lay down on the bed, tucking himself under the covers curling up in it. He just wanted to get some sleep, all he needed was enough rest to do his job well the next day. He could handle the loneliness just fine, he'd been used to it for years.

He was used to it.

He was forced to get used to it.

His eyes burned and the tip of his nose tingled.

He had got used to being alone because he was afraid. He did not know exactly what he was afraid of, but it was as if he was running away from an endless nightmare. Something that had haunted him over the years, and in the end brought him back to the starting line.

He imagined that staying in Dreamland had become more bearable because of those who lived in the mansion. They were fun, even if they were a pain in the ass sometimes. But they weren't bad people.

Ah... The smell of pitch was impregnated in his pillow.

Leonardo had sunk his face into the pillow sucking in the smell and feeling his heart beating fast. How many times had Benjin had to lie on that pillow to leave his scent on it? Was it that many times?

Hugging his pillow, the boy closed his eyes wearily. Even though he feared having another nightmare, he had fallen asleep.

And just as quickly he found himself in Dreamland, but an abandoned one steeped in the grey tones looking weathered by time itself. Cold, creepy, full of puddles of blood strewn beneath the corpses. At the same time the toys of the park were running, sounding the music of the carousel full of strange noises. Dreamland looked like a broken toy box.

Leonardo's feet walked without him wanting to, and his eyes watched the lifeless bodies intently. Given a moment he stopped, recognizing a unicorn jacket. A child was slumped without her eyes having in her hands a ballerina doll, which stood dancing in the palm of her hand as if it were magic. A shiver had gone through Leonardo's body, making him run through that place even without getting anywhere.

It was like an infinite labyrinth.

― Hahaha... Run! Run as much as you can!

Leonardo looked over his shoulder at the figure with the devilish smile that was amused with his despair. Being chased by that figure that seemed to walk so calmly despite being so close to him only made his despair increase.

He needed to escape.

He needed to find a refuge.

― Hahahahahaha! Hahahahaha! ― Leonardo kept running between the toys of the park, heading towards the circus. But when he turned suddenly, there was the figure right in front of him ― I caught you!

Opening his eyes suddenly, Leonardo sat up in bed, breathless. His throat hurt with the scream, his heart beat so fast that it could jump out of his chest. He was covered in sweat, which even left strands of hair sticking to his forehead and the back of his neck. But most of all he was trembling. He was shaking uncontrollably.

Looking around, he made sure he was in his room in the mansion alone. Hugging his own knees, Leonardo tried to calm himself without being able to erase from his memory that face hidden in the darkness that pursued him so relentlessly.

Being alone was scary. He was afraid of being caught by something. He felt like he was being constantly watched from any dark corner of his room. Yet he had no strength in his legs to stand up and turn on the light in the room. He knew very well that he would fall as soon as he stepped out of bed.

He had never felt so fragile as he did.

All because he had found that damned train again.

― Haa... I can't believe I'm missing that stupid puppet.

The pathetic laugh he let out not only mocked the dread he felt, but also the longing. The more he calmed down, the more he started to cry, unable to deal with those endless memories.

Once again Leonardo would spend a sleepless night.

While he was hiding his own tears, the door of the room was opened. Immediately Leonardo raised his head, seeing the dark figure enter. His heart began to race again and the fearful tears continued to flow.

Shouldn't it be a dream?

Had he not woken up, and was he trapped in his nightmare? Why was he being chased inside the mansion?

Curled up in bed, Leonardo had closed his eyes without having the courage to face the evil grin of the figure. Only it was the smell of pitch that had made him hesitate for a moment and try to see into the darkness.

― Ben... Benjin?

The hand that had touched his face wiped away the tears. He quickly moved his hand away and seemed to get down from the bed quickly. From the sound of his footsteps, he would have turned around and gone to the desk, where he had lit a lamp. And there Leonardo could finally see the trapeze artist's face.

― Are you crying?

― You puppet son of a bitch ― Leonardo caught the pillow and threw it against Benjin. ― Why didn't you turn on the fucking light when you came in? Why didn't you say anything?

― Oh, easy, Leo~ Sorry, forgive me, there, stop throwing the pillows!

Benjin had a hard time holding the pillows that were being thrown, but when he finally managed to get back to the bed and approach the boy, he held his face with both hands looking at him carefully.

― My goodness, what's wrong with you? You've got dark circles under your eyes, and you're all swollen up... Are you missing me so much?

― I'm going to kill you, and then resurrect you to kill you again.

To Benjin's surprise, Leonardo leaned against his chest and hugged him tight. The brunette knew that in that way he could feel his heart beating so fast and even feel his trembling. But it was okay if he knew.

As long as he was actually there.

―You look scared.

― Where were you? ― Leonardo mumbled without turning away.

Benjin smiled thinly, stroking his young master's messy dark hair.

― I was rehearsing, where else would I be. But I saw that the light in the office had gone out when I arrived, so I came to see you ― Lifting Leonardo's face carefully, Benjin caressed his cheeks softly ― Did you miss me, young master?

― Do I really need to answer that?

― But of course, that would make me very happy!

Grimacing, Leonardo turned his face away.

― I don't want to make you happy, since you ran away from me all week.

― Am I being punished?

― Yes.

Benjin let out a low laugh, hugging Leonardo.

― All right, I accept my punishment. But by the way, why are you up at this hour? You should be asleep by now.

Leonardo sighed, holding Benjin's hand. It was big and thin and very warm. Just by touching it he could feel all his fear going away. As he formulated a response, he realised that it all seemed incredibly childish and silly. A beastly fear of a mere nightmare.

So he had laughed at himself.

― Ever since I found that place I've been dreaming of that day. I feel like I'm going to go crazy soon.

Benjin squeezed Leonardo in his arms before lifting his chin and kissing his lips sweetly. A quick and tender seal, somewhat nostalgic for both of them.

― Shall I make you have sweet dreams then, young master?

― Ha, can you really do that?

― But of course! ― Smiled Benjin, looking like the joy himself ― After all, I am your favourite puppet, aren't I Leo?

Benjin was definitely identical to his puppet, but he didn't think that was why he felt so good in his arms. That would kind of spoil his childhood, wouldn't it? Blushing, Leonardo looked away and let go of the trapeze artist's arms so he could lie down on the bed. Raising the blanket and stretching his arms, the young master smiled at his puppet.

― If you have so much confidence, live up to your favouritism then.

The blush that had taken over Benjin's face was no longer a bother to Leonardo, he had grown accustomed to the transparency of his elation when small acts of his seemed to have so much influence on the puppet. Quickly Benjin tucked himself under the covers and hugged Leonardo to fill his face with selfies.

Literally a puppy who seemed excited to play with his master.

However, when the kisses finally reached his lips, it was that Leonardo could put away any resemblance of a puppy and switch it to that of a hungry beast. When it came to kissing him, Benjin would make it so that even his last breath was stolen. He would make their mouths fit together in a way that would make Leonardo think they were perfect for each other.

A breathtaking kiss, with the touch of their tongues that longed to explore and play with each other. A kiss that would leave Leonardo breathless, without the strength to react nor the desire to do so.

Leonardo could feel all the tension in his body leave. Wherever Benjin touched him gently, it was as if it relaxed his muscles and made him feel comfortable. When the air was needed, Leonardo could hardly see the trapeze artist properly, but he could feel his warm breath hitting his face.

― Tell me, Leo, do you want me to stay by your side forever?

The question seemed absurd for some reason, but Leonardo couldn't answer it properly. In the dim light, he could see the greenish eyes glowing at you, longing for your answer. Just as he could feel the warmth of Benjin's body enveloping him in incomparable warmth.

Ah... If he could stay like this forever, Leonardo wouldn't complain.

It felt good.

― I want to. Stay by my side, Benjin.