Chapter 66 - Spoil your puppet

From far away it was possible to see a group of uniformed policemen following the park's terrain. Considering their direction, Leonardo could already imagine where they were going, making him wonder what could be found there. If he was going to guess, the most he could say was that it was a hiding place where not even the employees would notice his presence.

The train was the perfect place to hide.

— Leo, what are you looking out the window for?

Sighing low, the boy stared at the tent in the distance.

— Nothing much.

Leonardo turned his back to the window, returning to sit behind the table. The pile of documents he needed to take care of increased after he was announced as heir to the staff. That damned clown was taking advantage of his holiday to make him take care of the park's administrative processes.

— This is sick... — complained the boy when reading one of the documents and not understanding anything written.

— Why don't you leave it for later, Leo?

— With that clown there is no "later". He will only keep giving me more work — Finally looking at Benjin, Leonardo could see that he seemed discouraged leaning against his desk — And you don't have rehearsal today?

— I don't feel like going.

It was hard to see that dumb puppet so discouraged. Usually he followed him around, always smiling and calling him unnecessary. But since the day his friends came to visit him, Benjin seemed distant.

Leonardo wondered why?

Leaning on the palm of his hand, Leonardo continued to observe Benjin, who didn't seem to notice. Lost in thought, it was bothersome and worrying that he was so sulky. In the last few days the young master's workload had increased to the point where he was going to bed late. If Benjin didn't come to the office, they would barely see each other properly.

He was probably feeling lonely without Leonardo?

A thin smile appeared on the brunette's face.

Pushing the chair away, Leonardo stood up to stand in front of the trapeze artist. Backing him up against the table, he could finally receive his fleeting attention.

— What's got you so worried? You're airborne today.

— Am I?

Holding Benjin's chin, Leonardo stared at him silently for a long time. If what he thought was right, that trapeze artist wouldn't make a fuss as usual while his young master was dealing with the affairs of the park. Although Benjin cared little when Leonardo was studying. Of all that, one thing was a fact.

Benjin wanted his attention.

— Spent all your energy jumping around the mansion, did you?

— I-I didn't jump! — complained the trapeze artist, his cheeks suddenly reddening — I only celebrated our engagement.

Leonardo laughed softly as he released the trapeze artist's chin.

— That was kind of cute.

He thought it was impossible, but Benjin managed to blush even more. He didn't dare to look at Leonardo, he seemed too embarrassed to do so. Ah... Leonardo wanted to tease him some more just to see his every reaction.

And his first provocation was a simple kiss in his neck. He could see Benjin's skin shivering all over, and he was biting his lips as if he was holding back. Benjin didn't even hug him, even though he was standing in front of him, giving him gaps.

Looks like his puppet was really holding back.

— There must be something wrong with this fiancé of mine, since he doesn't respond to my touches.

— D-Don't say that, Leo. I'm just holding back.

Oh, just as he thought.

— Holding back? What's the point?

— You've got a lot on your plate, and if I distract you, it'll just add to your workload. In the end we'll drift apart and...

How lovely. The satisfaction he felt for having correctly assumed why Benjin was so distracted was somewhat pleasurable. It had been months since they had met, and his brain had grown accustomed to his manner to the point of easily unravelling his puppetry.

Leonardo held Benjin's face and shushed him with a kiss. At his fingertips he could feel the warmth of the other's skin, who was quick to return the simple seal.

— Do as you always do, Ben. This young master of yours will spoil you all you want.

He knew that his words would trigger some reaction, but Leonardo couldn't imagine how strong it would be. Benjin grabbed Leonardo's waist and lifted him high enough to carry him on his shoulder. Surprised, the brunette held on to the boy, not knowing how he could keep him on his shoulder with such ease.

— W-What are you doing?

Opening an amused smile, the trapeze artist seemed to have returned to his normal self.

— Kidnapping you to pamper me.

It was Leonardo's turn to blush. Hiding his face behind his back, he tried to struggle to get him to the ground. All right, he had provoked him because he felt uncomfortable seeing someone so noisy being quiet. Only that didn't mean he needed to be carried like that!

But all his pleas were ignored as Benjin left the office and followed the corridors of the silent mansion.

— Y-You pervert, get me down now!

— I can't hear you, lá lá lá.

Grumbling, Leonardo gave up struggling when they reached the door to his room. And as he was thrown onto the bed, he realised that his teasing had been the key to opening the doors releasing a hungry monster. A hungry monster that seemed to have the slightest conscience and seemed reluctant to follow its instincts.

Closing the door and then locking it, Benjin leaned against the wood and closed his eyes. Leonardo sat up in bed without stopping to watch the trapeze artist mumble to himself, seemingly undecided about something. His hand reached out towards the doorknob, though he still didn't unlock the door.

Come on, was he really trying to hold back after carrying him there? Then he would put an end to his restraint.

— Ben —Having green eyes peering at you, Leonardo held out his arms - Come.

That was enough. Benjin ran up to Leonardo, jumping over him to knock him down on the bed again. And without wasting a single second, he kissed his young master in the way that would make him forget his name.

Every time he was touched by the trapeze artist, Leonardo felt good. It was like a drug that took away all his worries like a summer breeze. His mind became lighter and he became more aware of how his body reacted. It generally craved his touches more and more.

Wrapping his arms around his neck, he responded to the kiss by letting himself be guided by Benjin's warm tongue. His hands held tightly around the brunette's waist, and the heat only increased as his desires overflowed.

When he felt his touch under his shirt, Leonardo gasped low. Benjin laughed amused at his reaction, and repeated the gentle touch so that he gasped again. He could hold back, bite his lips and stop his sighs from being heard, however Leonardo said he would pamper him.

He would give him his every reaction to satisfy himself.

Benjin's hungry lips went to his bare abdomen. He kissed him with purposeful intensity, without ceasing to cast glances only increasing in teasing. Leonardo couldn't handle it when that perverted puppet seduced him so shamelessly like that.

There had only been one time when the two of them had been intimate with each other. After that time, Leonardo had barely had time to breathe. However, it didn't mean that he didn't want to give himself to Benjin. To make it clear what he wanted, the brunette guided the trapeze artist's hand to touch him where it caused the most shivers and pleasurable sensations.

Surprised by his young master's initiative, Benjin didn't delay in carrying out the given mission. He made a point of loving him in every inch, in every curve, in every temperature. And when he heard the moans whispering his name, there would be no reason that could stop him.

The clothes became uncomfortable and were thrown into some corner of the room. Under the sheets, Leonardo sat on Benjin's lap feeling his arousal pulsing between his thighs. The slightest of movements seemed to increase their desire. Still, Benjin was unable to leave his young master's mouth.

At that moment, Leonardo discovered that Benjin was territorial. And an aggressive one at that. The bites he distributed on his body along with the scratches as his pleasure increased, made clear his thirst to mark Leonardo as his own. If he could, he would mark him down to his soul.

Clearly he wasn't left behind.

Considering it was his first time with another man, Leonardo made no secret of his own pleasure. Even though he was groomed by Benjin, his short nails scratched the trapeze artist's back and arms until he got used to it and wanted something more.

— Leo... If you knew how your face looked right now, you'd understand how to drive me crazy.

What was he talking about?

Leonardo's mind couldn't keep up. He had no idea what he was doing, he only knew that his movements were pleasurable and made his whole body shiver. And he didn't intend to hide anything from him.

Wrapping his fingers in his hair, Leonardo pulled him to decrease the distance between them. He wouldn't allow any distance between them. He wanted to be always touching him, always feeling him on his skin to prove to him that this moment was real and not the result of a delirium of a lonely mind.

Of course Benjin noticed this detail. And by the rapid beating of his heart, Leonardo could tell that he was happy to be so longed for by his young master.

When darkness covered the whole room, the two of them were already lying embraced. Leaning against his chest, the brunette could hear Benjin's heart still beating fast. The smell of pitch soaked into his skin was as soothing as his touches. He definitely felt good there, he wouldn't trade that place for anything in the world.

— Hey Leo... Do you really want to marry me?

Raising his head, the brunette couldn't see Benjin's face properly, but from the tone of his voice he could already guess what was bothering him.

— Because you're not human?

— Uhum.

Well, that was an easy detail to forget. Especially when he acted like one to the point of worrying about frivolities like that. However, Leonardo was constantly reminded that those around him were superhuman beings, and that somewhere there might be some kind of devil playing with people's lives.

It was frightening.

Except that Leonardo didn't feel afraid of Benjin. At least not now.

— If you make me feel good, why would I let you go?

— Because you feel afraid of me.

Lifting his head, the brunette sighed loudly. So was that what had made him so airborne earlier? Even after he had introduced him to his friends as his future husband? Considering that it took Leonardo a while to admit that he liked Benjin, and how many times he rejected him when he first arrived in that place, his fear was kind of justifiable, no?

Should you be more clear with him?

— I don't see you as someone dangerous to me. Every time I look at you I'm reminded of a toy I used to love as a child.

— A toy...?

Lifting his fingers, Leonardo smiled when he felt Benjin's skin on his digits. He knew very well that there he would have that scratch that started above his eyebrow and would end a little below his eyes. The young master fingered it softly, lost in thought when he ended up thinking out loud.

— When I was a child, I loved the puppet in the show. For my birthday, my parents gave me his plush as a present. And I never let go of that doll.

Benjin held Leonardo's arms and hugged him.

— I know. If you could, you would take it to the bath.

— And how would you know that?

He didn't answer immediately. Benjin remained silent and wrapped his finger in his young master's hair, as if he hoped the subject would be forgotten. However, Leonardo continued to stare at him in the dark ensuring that he felt watched and annoyed until he answered. Lucky for him, it didn't take long.

— What would you do if you knew your favourite doll had come to life?