Chapter 67 - With all love for the puppet

— What's it like? My favourite doll came to life?

— That's right. Would knowing that scare you?

Blinking dazedly, Leonardo couldn't think straight. I mean, his mind worked fervently imagining how it would be possible for a stuffed toy to come to life. He remembered in detail the doll that he had hugged so tightly in his childhood, so he was always surprised at the resemblance he could see in Benjin. Especially the scratch on the eye that never disappeared.

However, it didn't mean that Leonardo considered the possibility that his now fiancé was related to his doll.

— By any chance... Are you saying that you are that plush?

Benjin was playing with a lock of Leonardo's hair, and although he was present he had not answered. A shiver ran through the young master's body, getting that creepy feeling from earlier, that feeling that something fantastic and supernatural was happening right in front of him.

But somehow it made sense.

Leonardo remembered the moment he arrived at the mansion when he was introduced to the main attractions. Benjin had jumped into his arms and welcomed him as if it had been a long time since they had seen each other, although for the university student the first time they had met was at the incident with the sponsor. He had found it strange that that trapeze artist embraced him with such intimacy and seemed to know him so well.

Not just that moment, but there were so many other times when Benjin seemed to read his young master well. He unravelled his thoughts and yearnings with a perfection that made it hurt like a slap in the face. The trapeze artist always said that there was no one who knew him as well as he knew himself.

Considering all the discoveries he was making lately, should he be surprised if Benjin was actually a puppet?

— That doesn't sound all that real to me.

Benjin released from the embrace and got up from the bed to turn on the light on the study table. With the sparse lighting, they could finally see each other's expression, although Leonardo cried at the sight of his lover completely naked and all scratched up on his back. It was hard to think about such a serious matter as that with Benjin showing off his body.

Heat rose up the face of the university student, who looked away immediately. Why didn't he cover himself with the sheet right away? Did he have to stand in the middle of the room like that?

— I-It's cold, go back to bed, Ben.

— Hm? Fine — Obeying his young master, Benjin tucked himself into the covers, keeping his greenish pearls focused on Leonardo — But you didn't answer me, Leo. What would you do if you knew that your favourite puppet had come to life?

Still without the courage to face him, Leonardo tried to concentrate on the subject. The question was relevant, more relevant than Benjin's body. That's it! Focus! Focus!

— What could I do? Would it make any difference?

— Would you love me the way you loved your toy?

Was he really comparing himself to a toy? Maybe that puppet was more jealous and possessive than Leonardo believed. Letting out a prolonged sigh, Leonardo held Benjin's face with both hands. He stared at him deeply without giving him any chance to look away.

— I feel your heart beating, I feel the warmth of your skin and I smell you. You're alive, Ben.

— But Leo...

— I told you I don't care if you're the incarnation of the devil himself, I love you and that's not going to change.

The words had simply come out of his mouth so naturally that it took Leonardo mere seconds to realise that he had confessed to Benjin. The surprise and the teary eyes were the warning signs to realise that he had indeed confessed, and not in a romantic way.

— Leo... — whispered the trapeze artist, who let the tears roll down his red face — Leo... Ah Leo, you... Aaah.

— Why are you crying? W-Wait! I need tissues, w-w-where the tissues... — About to get up from the bed to get some tissue, he was stopped by Benjin who hugged him by the waist.

— Say it again... Please. This can't be my dream. Please, Leo...

— But what's gotten into you? — growled the boy somewhat embarrassed to see the trapeze artist so emotional.

I mean, did he need to cry like that as if he never expected such words to be spoken? He thought that his feelings were already explicit, since he had not hidden his relationship from his friends and had even said that they were going to get married. And thinking about that a little, Leonardo realised that maybe for Benjin things needed to be a little more direct. Even though they teased each other and had moved forward in their relationship, Leonardo may never have been frank with his feelings.

He had made the decision to be the young master he so desperately wanted. Because he loved him. He wanted to spoil his puppet to make him happy, because he loved him. Leonardo could deliver the world if he could, as long as Benjin smiled as he always did. Although the taller one would be the one to kneel in front of him and literally hand him the world, Leonardo wouldn't stop him since he knew it would make him happy.


If it was important to Benjin that he said it clearly, then he would.

Stifling his laughter, Leonardo held Benjin's face once more and gave him the most beautiful smile he could give.

— Benjin, I love you.

— Leo~ I love you too, so much, but so much that my heart could explode and mini Benjin would spread all over Dreamland.

— Hahaha it seems like a lot of love indeed.

And then, the trapeze artist continued to cry clinging to his young master. Weeping copiously as he declared himself endlessly. The euphoria of his lover was so great, it mixed with the emotion turning him into an emotional mess. And in the midst of it, Benjin didn't let go of Leonardo's embrace. Not at any moment.

After crying so much, Benjin managed to calm down a few minutes later. Leaning against the headboard of the bed, he didn't want to leave the young master's touch, so he pulled him to sit between his legs, so he could hug him from behind.

— I'm so happy, Leo.

— I know, I am too.

Benjin held his hand, the intertwined fingers were warm and cozy. The arms that welcomed him so warmly were definitely his place in the world. Closing his eyes for a moment, just to etch into his soul that very intimate instant, Leonardo had the nostalgic feeling in his mind.

The feeling was like remembering a dream. An old remarkable dream.

A dream where he was alone in a mist desperately searching for someone, until he was found. The one who found him took him in his lap, and all the sensations Leonardo remembered from that dream were recognizable. The warmth, the smell of pitch, the beauty of the green eyes and the pirate's robes.

What if Benjin had always been close to him, caring and watching over his young master? Although he was discovering new things, there would be so many other secrets still hidden in Dreamland. He shouldn't be surprised at the idea that Benjin was that toy. In fact, such an idea would make him even happier.

Wouldn't that be one more reason to love him?

Uncovering a smile on his face, Leonardo turned over his shoulder to look at Benjin.

— I believe you, Ben.

— What do you mean?

— If you were that toy of mine, then I would love you even more. Not only because you are the puppet of the show, but also because you are loaded with precious memories for me.

— Precious memories? Like what?

Laughing softly, Leonardo settled into Benjin's arms and leaned his head against his chest.

— I gave you the name Benjin, didn't I? Because Lucca said the puppet would love any name I gave him.

— Leo...

— I don't know how a toy could come to life, but I'm grateful for it. Because now I am no longer alone.

Benjin hugged Leonardo tightly. Leaning his forehead on his shoulder, he tried to hide the tears that were again rolling down his face. But the drops that fell on his young master's skin already showed his emotion. Stroking his white hair, Leonardo laughed.

— Who is the cry-baby now?

— That's unfair! You are... Evil, Leo!

— All right, all right. You can cry all you want — Turning to face the trapeze artist, Leonardo gently wiped his tears, and then placed a simple kiss on his lips — It must be my turn to soothe the crybaby.

Forming a peck on his lips, Benjin let himself be pampered by his young master. Amazing things have been happening since he arrived in Dreamland. If he tried to process each piece of information rationally, Leonardo had the impression that he would lose the magic.

Benjin was his favourite toy come to life.

He would accept it willingly.

He would never be alone in those arms. Even if it was a sweet illusion.


The red eyes stared earnestly at the wall. The employee with the park uniform was surprised to see the magician so serious like that, as if he saw something extremely wrong. He was always playful and played tricks on others, seeming to enjoy the simplest things. However, she saw him so focused that it was scary. Clenching her fingers nervously, she pondered whether or not to question the magician since he had been quiet for so long. Building up courage, she dared not face him.

— Hm... Mister Ray, shouldn't we notify the infrastructure people to check for any infiltration?

— Why?

Startled by the immediate and unexpected response, the girl quickly continued.

— M-M-Must be because of the rainy season, that could only be mould... right?

Ray peered his eyes.

— I'll let Vincent know, you can go now. Thanks for letting me know.

— R-Right! Excuse me, sir, have a good evening.

Ending up alone in the park, Ray crossed his arms without stopping to observe that dark spot inside the haunted house. All right that the attraction was dark precisely to cause fear in the customers, however the employees were attentive to see that. For the common humans, that would only be an infiltration. In a way, he was relieved they thought so.

However, Ray didn't believe that it was a mouldy stain caused by the rains.

— Trying to get out of the hole, Diablo?