Chapter 95 - Traumatic night

Leonardo had no idea what was going on, why he was reliving that terrible day. The fact that he knew what was coming was even worse.

His body didn't obey his mind. It was as if twenty-two-year-old Leonardo was a mere spectator inside his eleven-year-old body.

— If you like the puppet so much, I can show it to you.

— Show... The puppet? — A fearful Leonardo asked.

— That's right. Don't you like seeing the puppet when it's flying through the sky? I can show you the real puppet.

Leonardo shook his brother's hand, and so the twin boys followed the trapeze artist through Dreamland Circus. The path they followed led past the back of the circus and into the woods, where a few metres away the hidden and abandoned train would be.

— You must really like the puppet, huh? — The man commented, looking at the doll Leonardo was clutching.

— Leo loves Benjin. — replied the fearful boy.

— Benjin? — The boy just nodded, causing the man to laugh — It's a stage name for a doll.

— My brother is very good at giving names, don't you think?

— You're right!

Why couldn't Lucca see the malice? The man's eyes kept scanning the two boys. Even though he was making small talk so as not to arouse any suspicion, if you paid close enough attention you could see his intentions.

When they got on the bloody train, Leonardo squeezed his brother's hand. Looking up at a nearby tree, he could see a red glow.

Was that the security camera Giovani had mentioned?

— Is this where the puppet is?

— That's right, he always hides here. If we wait a while and start playing inside the carriage, the puppet might come out to play too.

The two boys stood still while the trapeze artist opened the wood-panelled door of the second carriage. Once it was open, the boys went in looking for the marionette, only to find darkness when the door closed again.

From then on, Leonardo's worst nightmare would begin.

The trapeze artist grabbed Leonardo's wrist violently, with Lucca also pulling on his other arm.

— What are you doing? Let go of my brother!

— You... You little brat. Don't be anxious, I'll have fun with you too.

Leonardo felt his arms hurting and began to cry loudly. Thanks to his desperation, the trapeze artist feared that someone would hear and find them. Lucca took advantage of the distraction to pull his brother and hide behind crates, using the darkness as an opportunity to gain time.

For a few minutes they continued to hide, listening to the footsteps and curses of the trapeze artist who was looking for them. Running away from one crate after another, there was a moment when Leonardo fell on something hard.

The mirror!

— Are you all right, Leo? — Lucca whispered, hugging him.

— Uhum...

— I found you! Let's play properly, hm?

As soon as the trapeze artist appeared and cornered them against the mirror, the boys had nowhere to run. That's when something came along and grabbed the trapeze artist.

At the time, Leonardo couldn't see properly because of the darkness inside the carriage. Only the moonlight passing through the wagon's floorboards didn't illuminate everything completely. As if by magic, he could now see that what had passed between him and Lucca was a gloved hand.

Was it because he had "travelled back in time"?

Was it because he was an "outsider"?

The fact was, Leonardo knew who that hand belonged to.

The trapeze artist had been pulled into the mirror by Diablo!

Except that the unfortunate man had grabbed Leonardo's ankle and pulled him along, and Lucca went too for trying to pull his brother out of the mirror.

In the end, the three of them were taken into the Mirror World. There, he once again encountered the elegant figure of Diablo, with his mischievous smile as he appraised his recent prey.

— Hmm... I sensed a savoury soul close to my territory, but I think I've won the lottery.

The two brothers cringed, or rather Leonardo cringed behind his brother's back. Standing up in a leap, the trapeze artist started shouting.

— Who are you? Do you even know who I am?

— Oh, right, right. You were hired as a trapeze artist, weren't you? Of course I know, after all — Diablo's eyes were shining brightly — I'm the one who asked for you.

— What...

Diablo showed his true face. Horrendous, demonic... Many sharp teeth and empty eyes that could devour anyone's soul. No description in the history books could describe how frightening Diablo was.

And at the sight of that face, Leonardo cried even more with fear. It was uncontrollable, his body trembled and he felt like he was going to die at any moment.

Even the trapeze artist was shaking after falling on his bum.

— W-What are you....?

— You see, after I signed the contract, I just stayed here to be fed. The souls that the Evilian man gives me are really delicious, you know? So... I'm hungry.

The trapeze artist gulped, pulling the boys up and throwing them at the demon.

— Them first! Don't they say demons like virgin souls? Then eat them and let me free!

— What?! — Lucca shouted angrily — Why should we die for you to live?

Was Lucca really arguing with an abuser in front of a demon? Leonardo just held on to his brother's blouse for fear of being devoured.

— That's right! I can bring more people for you to eat!

— Oh... Do you intend to kidnap humans to satisfy me in exchange for staying alive?

Nodding his head, the trapeze artist smiled at the negotiation.

— That's right! And if you kill these kids, you can kill anyone who comes to the park, can't you?

Peering into his eyes, Diablo showed interest.

— Indeed. Once the Evilian man is dead, if there aren't any of the kids left, I can walk freely around Dreamland. It would be all mine...

Those damn negotiations with Diablo! How could Leonardo not remember that he had done something like that eleven years ago? That thing hadn't changed at all!

But his fucking body wouldn't act the way he wanted it to. All he could do was tremble and cry, clinging to his brother.

— See?! We could be a great pair!

— Don't listen to him! — Lucca shouted, with an angry countenance — Why should I trust someone like him? What guarantees that he'll keep his end of the bargain?

Again Diablo peered at him, looking interested.

— For the same reason I shouldn't believe in a human child. I'm really getting hungry.

— If you wanted to, you would have devoured us ages ago!

Even though Lucca spoke with confidence, he was trembling. Leonardo just couldn't tell if it was anger or fear. Even so, he held his hand, showing that he was by his side.

— Brother...

— I like to play with my food.

— You pulled him instead of us, when we were in front of the mirror. By any chance... you can't do anything with us?

Diablo laughed. And his laughter shook the haunted world.

— Hahaha, you brat... — In one swift movement, Diablo grabbed Lucca by the neck — I've always hated the fact that you snoop around the train. Did you want to meet me?

What was he talking about?

Did Lucca always snoop around the train? It was true that they often played on the train, even though they were always in the company of their father. Sometimes Lucca spent too much time inside the carriages, exploring the boxes and seeing what was inside.

But they were just fantasies, and in the end Rohan would tell him about the times when there was only the Dreamland Circus, and that the whole troupe travelled by train from town to town to perform.

He imagined that Lucca liked to hear such stories. Did he already know about Diablo?

— Even if you do something to me.... Leo will survive. As long as he inherits Dreamland, you'll never be able to leave here. Won't you?

— How foolish of you! Do you really think that would happen? — Diablo laughed, turning Lucca's face to face Leonardo — He's even wet with fear. If I devoured someone here, that fearful boy would never set foot in this place again.

How... Did he know?

— Do you want to bet? — Lucca smiled with determination — If you win, Dreamland will be yours. If I win, I'll go xxxxxx.

For the second time Diablo laughed.

Leonardo could no longer hear the conversation as the trapeze artist opened his eyes wide and crawled towards him. Crawling backwards in an attempt to get away, little Leonardo threw stones and tree branches that he found along the way, anything that could stop that frightening man from getting closer.

Whatever those two were talking about, this was not the time!

— B-B-Brother! — Leonardo shouted as the trapeze artist reached out, about to pull him by the ankle again.

— Let's have some fun, then, Evilian boy.

The trapeze artist's body froze in place and began to twist. Everything Leonardo saw in front of him was something out of a horror film. In front of him, Diablo had killed someone and was devouring his soul.

Screaming in terror, Leonardo felt his throat clench.

He wanted to escape.

He had to find a way for him and Lucca to get out alive.

Seizing the chance to be freed, Lucca ran up to Leonardo and hugged him tightly. Wiping the tears from his brother's face, Lucca smiled affectionately.

— It's going to be all right. Benjin will protect you, right?

— What...

— Now it's your turn, Evilian boy.

Diablo's shadow appeared behind Lucca. Surprised, Leonardo reached out to pull his brother and both of them away. But he couldn't reach him. With tears in his eyes, his fear grew as he saw the shadow swallow Lucca.

— Lucca!

His eyes were covered by a large, warm hand. His body was wrapped in an arm that pulled him into a hug. With tears flowing and his body trembling with fear, Leonardo was prevented from seeing the end of his brother again.

— Leo. 

He heard a voice call out. It was low and serene, and the smell of pitch calmed him.

— Leo, are you crying again?

Who was calling him?

For some reason he knew that voice. His body reacted to it. Something wrapped itself around his fingers, squeezing them.

— Leo, I'm here by your side. Open your eyes, hm?

Opening his eyes, Leonardo saw Benjin in front of him, holding his hand and kissing his fingers.



— You came back to me, Leo.

With tears streaming down his face, Leonardo jumped into Benjin's arms, feeling relieved to have got out of that nightmare. He was so relieved that he managed to knock Benjin to the ground, but he didn't let go. The warmth that enveloped him was cosy, and the smell of pitch proved that everything was real.

However, his body was still shaking from reliving that terrible night.

— Ben...

— Haha, see? I told you I'd protect you.

Moving far enough away, Leonardo realised that he was in the Mirror World tent and that Benjin had a bruised face. Gustavo was still asleep, with no sign of the demon around.

— What was all that about, what happened?

— Mirror of Illusion — Benjin explained, wiping away Leonardo's tears — It makes people relive their worst nightmares.

That bastard had made Leonardo relive his greatest trauma? Just to make sure he was traumatised again and wanted to give up Dreamland? Clenching his fists, anger crushed the fear inside him.

Benjin was right about Diablo going to great lengths to get what he wanted. He wouldn't be able to kill Leonardo directly, but he could torture him until he gave up Dreamland.

— That bastard...

— Frankly, you're an annoying puppet. If you were my creation, you certainly wouldn't come with that defect.

Diablo appeared in the tent, sitting in the armchair with his legs crossed as if the show in front of him was boring.

— But I'm not your creation.

— I should have got rid of that doll as soon as it entered my world.


What doll?

— Even if Leo hadn't brought me that time, I would have protected him. Since I was his first creation.

— What the... What the fuck are you talking about?

— It was your mistake, Diablo — Benjin continued — The moment you accepted the bet, the two of you were equalised. The energy you used to create this world also belongs to the young master. And that allowed me to be created.

In the blink of an eye, Diablo rose from his chair and appeared in front of Benjin. Was he going to hit him again? Hurt Benjin right in front of him? Was he being ignored because he was considered weak?


Leonardo was really angry.

Before a finger could be laid on him, Leonardo grabbed Diablo's arm.

— Don't touch my guy!

Annoyed, Diablo moved his arm easily, throwing Leonardo to the other side of the tent. Rolling on the ground, the boy felt his whole body ache. Boy, was he weak. That's why he hated getting into fights.

Even though he hated it, Leonar got up with difficulty and without giving up.

— You're just a weak human, so keep quiet while I teach that stupid puppet a lesson!

Benjin was hurt, a sign that something had happened while he was trapped in the illusion. And he doubted very much that the puppet would be able to fight back against Diablo's blows.


The feeling of being belittled was humiliating! Being thrown to the ground made him feel despicable. He felt what it was like to be inferior to Diablo.

But Leonardo still had one card up his sleeve. His determination to carry on. That strengthened him enough to take a step forward and build up the courage to face Diablo.

Even if he could, Leonardo ran, grabbing the demon's arm to stop him from attacking the puppet.

— I am Leonardo Evilian! I own all of Dreamland, and I won't let you do any harm to those under the protection of an Evilian!

— You....!

All the commotion was calmed down when someone came into view. Wearing an overcoat, with his face hidden by a hood, that small presence touched Diablo's shoulder.

— You lost the bet, Diablo.