Chapter 96 - Devourer of souls

— You little brat... Don't count on winning so soon!

Diablo was really angry. The atmosphere throughout the Mirror World had turned sombre, making it difficult to even breathe with all the frightening pressure.

Whoever that little hooded man was, Leonardo took advantage of the gap to go up to Benjin and drag him away from Diablo's reach. Holding his face with both hands, the young master swallowed, wanting to cry at the sight of so many wounds on that beautiful face.

— I'm sorry, Ben. It hurts, doesn't it?

— Leo~ — Benjin whispered, rubbing his cheek against Leonardo's palm — No need to cry, I'm fine.

— Of course you're not! I... I'm too weak... If I was like you and Ray, maybe I could save you.

Ah, Leonardo was making a fool of himself in front of Benjin. He turned his face away, not wanting to let him see his tears again. It was even more embarrassing when he heard a muffled giggle from the puppet.

It was Benjin's turn to hold Leonardo's face with both hands, so that they could look into each other's eyes without running away.

— You're perfect like this, Leo. There's nothing I'd like to change about you.

Oh, damn.

Leonardo wanted to throw himself into his arms and cry himself dry, but it wasn't an appropriate moment.

However, just a few metres away, there were two beings fighting fervently. Or rather, Diablo was trying to kill the hooded man, who was jumping from one side to the other. Little by little, Diablo tore the tent apart and smashed the furniture inside, creating chaos.

— Haha, now you want to play with me? What an honour, what an honour!

— You bloody brat! Go back to your hole and don't you dare come out! I'm the king here!

— No, you're not. You lost the bet — laughed the hooded man.

It was a childish voice.

That lively laugh... Leonardo knew it.

— Don't talk rubbish!

— If you don't want to accept your defeat, then I'll make you accept it.

The hooded man continued to dodge Diablo's blows, which irritated him even more. The blows were getting faster and more destructive, the huge tent wouldn't be able to withstand much.

— Ben, let's get Gustavo and get out of here...

Leonardo hadn't even finished speaking when he despaired at the sight of the hooded man jumping exactly next to Gustavo. In an attempt to hit the hooded man, Diablo used all his strength to reach him, but the hooded man managed to dodge, causing the demon to hit one of the pillars supporting the tent.

Some of the tent's structures began to fall.

— Gustavo! — Leonardo shouted.

Benjin was quick to pull Leonardo up to protect him from the ruins. The whole tent collapsed in the blink of an eye. When he was sure it was all over, Leonardo raised his head to see Benjin even more injured and with some pillars fallen on his back.

— Benjin! Wait, I'm going...

— I'm fine, Leo.

Not listening to his excuses, Leonardo pushed the pillars away, freeing Benjin's back. He was completely injured. Why did he have to do such unthinkable things?

— Idiot... What if something had happened to you?

— I'm fine, I swear. Don't cry, hm?

— I'm not crying!

— Oh... The great Diablo finally acquired a weakness.

Turning in the direction of that voice, Leonardo was amazed at the sight before him.

Just as Benjin had protected Leonardo, Diablo had protected Gustavo from the rubble. He hugged him and let him be hit by the pillars, keeping the unconscious boy safe and protected.

That sight was definitely strange.

Why was that?

Why would a monster like Diablo have protected Gustavo?

— Human souls are your food, but curiously you didn't kill that boy. Did his sympathy make you feel anything, Diablo?

— Quiet...

— He hasn't seen what you look like now, has he? Surely he'd be afraid of you, don't you think?

— Shut your bloody mouth, you brat! — Diablo shouted.

The hooded man raised his hand high.

— Let's finish this show.

The hooded man snapped his fingers, and the Mirror World was plunged into silence. A low grumble surprised everyone when Gustavo finally opened his eyes.

— What... Where am I? — The boy mumbled, scratching his eyes while still drowsy.

He was awake!

— Gustavo!

— Hm? Leo? — Looking around, Gustavo didn't seem to understand what was happening. And when he raised his head to look at who was hugging him, he froze — Oh.

Diablo was standing still. Showing his true monstrous form, he didn't face the boy he had tried to protect. Still, Leonardo was on alert, ready to run and save his friend if that monster dared to do anything.

At the same time, he couldn't be reckless or Diablo would be able to hurt his friend. Caution was the best choice.

— Diablo? Is that you?

Curiously, the demon didn't answer. Looking around again, Gustavo found the sombre atmosphere of the place strange.

— What happened...?

— Gustavo, come here! — Leonardo called in exasperation — Quick, come!

— Huh? Wait, is B-Benjin hurt?! — Gustavo shouted when he saw the puppet's condition — Did you have a fight? What happened?

— Hey, kid. — The hooded man appeared in front of him — I warned you not to open the door to this world. Why didn't you listen to me?

— Do I know you? And why is Diablo in costume? Is there a show on?

— In costume? Hahaha, of course not. That's the real Diablo — laughed the hooded man — a hideous demon who devours human souls for his own pleasure.

Leonardo squeezed Benjin's shirt, deciding whether to go to his friend and get him out of Diablo's arms or wait for a better chance. He didn't want to take any risks, that demon had been standing there without saying a word since Gustavo woke up.

Why was that?

— A demon?

Gustavo stared at Diablo silently, his eyes widening as he noticed the pillars on the demon's back. He quickly disentangled himself from the embrace to push the pillars away, freeing Diablo from the weight on his back.

— Are you okay? Are you hurt?

— Why? — asked the demon.

— I don't know what play you're rehearsing, but it would be bad if you were really hurt, don't you think?

— Bwahahahaha!

The hooded man burst out laughing, snapping his fingers again and making Gustavo faint in Diablo's arms.

— You brat... — growled the demon, holding the unconscious boy.

— He can't believe you're a demon, this is so hilarious.

Clenching his fists, Leonardo stood up and walked over to the demon. Crouching down to pick Gustavo up, the boy sighed. He had no idea what the hell was happening to Diablo, but it was annoying that they kept making his friend faint all the time with some kind of magic trick.

At the same time, he was curious.

Diablo didn't hesitate to make him relive those memories, let alone attack Benjin. But from the moment he shielded Gustavo from the rubble, he hadn't moved a centimetre.

Even when Leonardo approached and took Gustavo from Diablo's arms, the creature didn't move. It just stared at its friend in an enigmatic way.

He was kneeling completely defeated, not even trying to chase the hooded man again.

He needed to get Gustavo out of there first before Diablo changed his mind and decided to attack them. But how?

The Mirror World was the cradle of attractions, but he wasn't sure how that haunted world worked. Maybe he should summon someone...

What? Would he have to draw some kind of circle on the ground? Recite gothic poems or give his blood?

Should Leonardo just try to summon someone?

— Aslan! Come here now, Aslan!

Thick roots snaked through the ground, surprising everyone when they wrapped around Diablo's arms and legs, immobilising him. The hooded man was still standing in front of the demon, seemingly responsible for controlling the roots.

— Leo! Over here!

Turning towards the boy, he noticed that he too was being held down by the roots. The boy struggled to free himself from the grip, but his efforts were in vain.

Benjin went over to Aslan to help him free himself, and taking advantage of Diablo's immobility, Leonardo dragged his unconscious friend over there too. The further they got from that demon, the better.

— We need to get out of here, now! — Leonardo ordered, looking around — I need to take Gustavo back to the mansion and...

— Ha! So you're already acting like you own the whole of Dreamland? — Diablo growled, completely ignoring the presence of the hooded man in front of him.

— I am the owner!

Before Leonardo could say anything else, the hooded man stepped between them. Holding Diablo's face, he murmured.

— Do you remember? If I won the bet, I could devour your demonic soul. It's time for me to collect my prize.