Central Academy (02)

The home was very nice in layout, entering it there was a small common area with a door to a kitchen towards the back of the room, and there were two hallways leading out from opposite sides of the kitchen. Each hallway had there own respective bathroom, personal training room, and bedroom. To the house, there was also an upstairs, though I didn't feel the need to go up I already knew there was a balcony in the front of the house that you can get to from up there.

After waiting about 40 minutes I finally gave up and went to my room,

Sigh, 'I've never heard of someone taking 40-minute long baths...'

Looking around the room I noticed that the staff had already cleanly organized and put up my belongings around the room, I most likely wouldn't have been able to get that done anytime soon so I smiled undressed, and jumped in the bed.

"This bed is incredible!" I yelled while rolling around my bed.

Turning my head I saw something out of place, I also saw one in the common area but didn't question it, the structure was like a thin metal pole with some designs on it with a button near the top. I walked over to the strange pole and pressed the button, immediately I fell over in surprise.

'This...' With my mouth wide I spoke with a degenerate expression.


I still had the routine of reading the book I made documenting my past life, and this appeared to be a television though a bit different. The pole emitted a projection on top of it in a rectangular shape showing live images, I could tell because, with my draconic eyes, I could see the mana threads from the pole leading outside the wall. I pressed another button on the pole and the projection changed, the small threads of mana shot in a different direction and I could hear all types of sounds and see the person recording by using a unique spell.

Changing the channel a bunch I noticed that there still wasn't anything like movies or tv shows broadcasted, but mainly news and entertainment stations showing the inside of theaters or perhaps even guild members on a quest. I decided to switch to a theater channel that had a play of some sort showing and I laid back down.

After about 15 minutes I heard footsteps in the common room.

'Sounds like my roommate is finally done with their obnoxiously long bath.'

Standing up I walked back outside my room into the common hall, I saw footsteps on the ground that came from moisture leading towards the kitchen.

'I'll greet them and make sure they know about showing me around tomorrow after school.'

Walking around the corner I was flash banged by an unforgettable sight, a familiar girl with black hair was turned around facing what seemed to be a refrigerator and had a towel wrapped around her waist wearing nothing but undergarments.

'What... What the fuck, a girl? Really? The Empire is more advanced than anywhere else I've been to but they have the nerve to put the opposite sexes in dorms? And it just had to be her huh?'

Stepping back slightly as quietly as possible I began to leave the room before a small creak that most people wouldn't be able to hear, but perhaps a trained individual would hear it.

I stood still after that and saw her flinch.

"It's good to me-" Dawn stood still mid turn looking towards the wall and her face turned a deep shade of red.

After a bit of silence, I spoke up

"This is an unexpected situation, do not blame me."

"Rei Ven-August!" She raised her voice while saying my name with a sinister tone.

It was then her towel dropped around her waist, revealing a pair of black lace panties.

I started to chuckle unconsciously

"So that's the type you wear?"

I immediately blasted through the walls at an ungodly speed, I landed outside KO'd.


In an office, I sat in a chair side by side with Dawn with a desk between us and Archon Malkeith who was the current director of Central Academy.

"Yes, I understand your complaint but you can't send your peers through walls, do you know how expensive those walls are?" Malkeith said with an unamused expression.

"You didn't tell me you would pair a male to my room." Dawn had a look of pure rage.

"I never said I wouldn't plus our pairs are based on talents that would support growth in each other, if you want to complain you can quit the academy."

Watching their back and forth I sat there, I had bandages wrapped around my forehead and I had missed the school day due to my injuries. It seemed that Malkeith had made his point and Dawn just looked at the ground in silence.

"Since you decided to nearly kill your roommate whilst destroying school property Dawn, I hope you can make it up to him by not only taking him around the school but also Central city."

"Yes, Archon." Dawn looked depressed saying this.

"We've already repaired your dorm home, but you will stay here showing Rei around the academy."

After his words, Dawn simply got up and walked up to the door, "What are you waiting for?"

"Ah, sorry."

We walked around for a while going through different areas and halls, after showing me through the outer side of the campus she pointed at a building.

"That's the extracurricular building, every student has to attend one of them so tomorrow you'll most likely get recruited by someone if not tomorrow the day after, and so on."

She finished showing me around and the walk back to our perfectly repaired dorm was completely silent, walking in she finally spoke, "We need to set some ground rules, first purposely make noise when you're walking around, secondly don't come into my area unless I permit you too, third clean up any mess you make, fourth you are not permitted to invite anyone over."

"Yes, Ma'am." I said sarcastically

"If you break my rules I'll seriously kill you."

Pretending to shiver in fear I walked in and slouched on the couch.

"Today try not to take a year-long bath and we could hold a small conversation, okay?"

"I'll kill you."

"Okay okay, I apologize."


Preparing to head to the cafeteria an unfamiliar boy with glasses, brown hair, and blue eyes walked up to me. "Rei Ven-August, right?"

"Yes, that would be me."

"You look impressive..." He complimented me while looking me up and down.

"So uh, what's you're name?"

"Gareth." He replied

"Well Gareth I'm sorry but I'm not interested in dudes."

Gareth looked at me for a second before processing what I said, he then got slightly flustered and took a step back.

"N-no I'm just here to recruit you to the disciplinary committee."

"Oh... Sorry, what work does the disciplinary committee do around here?"

Gareth smiled enthusiastically and began speaking.

"Due to the short staff of the academy, we were brought together to regulate behavior. The demonic threat is a serious danger to the school and we are simply an extra eye to patrol suspicious things and stop student conflict."

'Hmmm, It wouldn't be exactly bad for me to join after all it probably provided many benefits...'

"Alright, I'll join."

Gareth looked at me surprised for a moment then said with a suspicious tone

"That easy?"


Speechless he gave me a form

"Tomorrow meet me in the cafeteria with the form, completed and I'll take you to meet the other members."

"Okay, thank you."

I then left for the cafeteria with Gareth walking to the same place it was kind of awkward so I slowed down my pace a bit, arriving in the cafeteria I sat down solitary alone... It was kind of embarrassing but I had been used to it, my past behavior of being a dickhead is gone and I made practically no friends so my social skills are not top-notch.

Lunch was uneventful and I was more excited for what was to come, during our day off Dawn said she would show me around the city area, naturally, I was excited about this.


Walking into the kitchen my stomach grumbled, due to my draconic physique I hadn't eaten in a few days so it was about time to enjoy something. Walking towards the refrigerator I saw something a despicable sight that made me want to throw up, a bunch of 'food' had been thrown in with no cover simply on a plate, each dish looked so grotesque I compared it to monster parts in my brain.

Smelling honey in the air I knew Dawn was taking a bath, which was really not surprising so I decided to throw all the useless things in the refrigerator away. The only things remaining in the fridge were ingredients that haven't been tampered with and the pre-bought meals Dawn had probably been surviving on.

Taking a few ingredients out of the fridge I decided to cook a beef stew, It wouldn't be hard with the use of magic I could heat it perfectly in a quick time and there also were seasonings and herbs to use in it which would improve the flavor even if I cooked it in a half-hearted way with magic.

"Are you cooking?"

I heard Dawn behind me

"Didn't you say to make sounds whenever walking through the house?"

"Those rules only apply to you, they'll apply to me whenever you can beat me in a fight."

"Fair point I guess." I simply agreed not caring enough to argue

"I made more than enough for the both of us if you're hungry."

'Her cooking is nightmare fuel so maybe she'll accept my goodwill.'

"Hmm... I could use a meal before I train, what's in that pot?"

Smiling I answered, " Beef stew."

I poured the soup into two bowls and covered the pot.

"There's still extra left, should be enough for another day so feel free to eat as much as you want after this first bowl."

I turned around to face her for the first time and nearly gasped, unlike the other night she was dressed this time... But only in a white collared dress shirt that went down to her thighs. I made sure to turn back towards the bowls and my lower area to make sure I was still in control before turning back around and handing her a bowl.

We both sat down at a small dining table across from each other and ate in silence for a bit before Dawn spoke with a sentimental look on her face.

"This is quite good, Rei."

"Thank you."

I spoke simply knowing she was an orphaned commoner, she's probably never had anything homecooked by someone.

Dawn got up her bowl was finished so she began making her way toward the sink. I caught a glance at her underwear when she got up.

'Black lace again...'

Pausing for a moment I muttered, "I'm such scum."

Slapping myself in the face, I finished my bowl and then went to my private training room. I decided to train with my Draconic Force as well as with the martial manuals Zenith had prepared for me.

'Now that I think about it before awakening Zenith's memories I was very prideful, maybe that's because I'm a dragon? Maybe.'

I chuckled at the random thought and began circulating the Draconic Force.