Central Academy (01)

My first class began, and as soon as the professor walked in, the students focused on him. The professor was a short man with green hair and yellow eyes that reminded me of lightning.

Changing to a thinking stance I thought, 'this class should be good him walking in changed the atmosphere... And finally, people stopped staring at me.'

The professor walked over to the wooden podium at the front of the class and set a pile of papers down, looking at them he smiled and changed his attention to the class.

"Rei Ven-August, stand."

I stood up after a few seconds the attention I lost was regained immediately.

"Hello professor er-"

The professor cut me off.

"Professor Ventus."

Coughing twice

Ahem Ahem

"Yes, Professor Ventus I am Rei Ven-August."

The professor stared at me moments before following up with, "with introductions over welcome to my Mana Theory class."

Sitting back down I watched the professor begin to write on the air using mana...

'Incredible...' I thought

"Today class we will be reviewing Unique Magic phenomena, and next week we will quiz on curses be prepared for that."

Some students had stressed faces due to the latter half of his information.

I zoned out for a while, this information was useless to me I would soon be losing my connection to Mana Heart so I could never develop my own Unique Magic.

The professor turned into lightning and began teleporting caught my attention so I decided to zone back in.

"Unique Magic is something every single person including non-humans, has access to. Unique Magic is caused by Mana Heart, the mana in the air reacts differently to everyone it's hard to notice this until someone cast Unique Magic."

Smiling and enthusiastically walking towards the class, "as you already know my Unique Magic lies in the control of lightning, unlike most people who can only do simple attacks with it my Unique Magic allows me to control it to a higher degree allowing me to turn into lightning, move at the speeds of it, and even create clones of myself through lightning."

Nothing else during the class I took note of so I simply waited for it to pass next class should be a bit more practical for me. Looking at my registration I saw the words 'Swordsmanship'

'This should be fun.'

For the swordsmanship class, we go to a special training center, most classes won't have you leaving your classroom but since it's a class that requires physical activity we relocate.

Getting up I saw two girls walking up the stairs toward my seat, soon they stood in front of me and one of the girls greeted me.

"Welcome to our school Rei."

The girl with purple hair and red eyes greeted me first, and the other one with blonde hair and green eyes slightly bowed her head.

"I'm Leia and the girl beside me is Winter, we wanted to ask if you needed a tour around the school?" Leia cheerfully explained

"I appreciate the thought, but the staff told me my roommate would be in charge of that, "I told them with a smile on my face but I couldn't help by wonder why I was instructed to specifically do it with my roommate.


"Welcome class, today we will do dueling to gauge our strength... An upcoming tournament is ahead of us so it would be wise of you all to do your best, I would also like to welcome our new student..."

The woman was an extremely tall woman with deep red hair, crimson eyes, tanned skin, and very muscular, with a fair amount of scars. Her name was Helena Cross a former holy knight captain, who was now our professor.

After exchanging greetings with the professor I headed towards an area that resembled bleachers, which surrounded a large training area, and as everyone student filled in the seats our professor spoke up.

"For class today we will be doing duels in a King Of The Hill format, if you win you may choose your next fight, starting us off will be Aaron Ross."

A boy with blonde neat hair, red eyes, and a noble look walked onto the platform and then grabbed a wooden sword used for duels.

"You may choose your first opponent Aaron."

Aaron then looked around the seating area locking eyes with me for a bit, I assumed he would pick me until his eyes shifted and he pointed at a familiar girl with black hair.

"I choose Dawn Leviea." Aaron had a sly expression

Walking down Dawn shot a scornful look at Aaron but he didn't seem disturbed, she then grabbed a wooden sword and looked him right in the eyes aligning herself with him.

I could tell the professor was excited to see how the Hero of Legends would do, she basically wrote Aaron off before the match started.


As soon as those words ranged out they both charged at each other going in for quick exchanges.

'They really are both amazingly skilled for their age...'

The sounds of wooden sounds clashing rang out. Watching the battle it seemed Dawn was being pushed back a little bit and perhaps on the verge of losing.

'Is the Hero really going to lose?'

Dawn performed a skillful sweep attack aiming to knock Aaron down, but as she did that he jumped up into the air, soon positioning himself to strike her from above. The moment his strike was closing in her dawn rolled over and grabbed his leg throwing him towards the ground, Aaron quickly counter-attacked slinging her off his leg with pure power.

'This Aaron guy is impressive, I couldn't even do that.'

Looking each other in the eye they soon began clashing with Dawn on the defensive, it seemed she was losing energy, during an exchange Aaron's sword met Dawn's and she stumbled under the pressure. Stumbling is no small mistake in a high-level fight, Aaron took advantage of her defenseless state and swung his sword down right as it closed in on her, If one looked closely they could see a smile appear on Dawn's face.

Right before the sword crashed down on her she sidestepped to the right, and with a skillful but simple movement whacked Aaron in the back of his skull knocking him out.

'Crazy bitch, she pretended to be tired and took him out in a single swing.'

"Winner, Dawn Leviea!" Helena exclaimed with a smile on her face.

After Aaron's loss, Dawn started destroying the class with ease, a few caused her to struggle but none of them compared to with only a few people left she looked at me with a smile basically saying she was going to embarrass me spread across her face.

"Rei Ven-August."

After my name was called I walked down picking up a sword and swinging a few times before walking over toward Dawn.

'Crazy... She doesn't even seem to be tired.'

Dawn stared into my eyes with a cold look saying she was about to crush me with no mercy


Instantly Dawn charged at me with a speed faster than sound, and a large boom sounded out.

'Isn't she taking this a bit too seriously?'

Immediately I was snapped out of my thoughts meeting her sword, the moment mine touched hers I went skidding across the arena.

'Fuck, with my Mana Heart being killed by my Draconic Force I can hardly imbue mana into my weapon before she hits it.'

Our trades continued with her dominating me and slinging me around like a ragdoll, but not once did her attacks land on me.

'If I can't win using mana I'll win with pure swordsmanship!'

Trading attacks with her I landed a kick on her sending Dawn back, she then slammed her sword into the ground making a giant dust cloud. This attack would have put me in a rough sight if I didn't have my newly draconic eyes I could perceive her figure clearly through the dust. She was bent over low rushing towards me directly with her sword in a position for a horizontal blow that would shatter my left leg.

Taking a quick breath I prepared to meet her sword, I raised my sword recalling my past life as Zenith, suddenly my body felt an extreme hunger take over it. My sword seemed to be calling out to me, the sword itself seemed to become a part of me, time seemingly stopped and I could see a man on top of a hill constantly swinging a sword down with a vertical slash.

Snapping back to reality, Dawn was taking her first steps out of the dust cloud and I prepared to meet her, suddenly I felt a warm hand grasp mine. The hand was firm and felt powerful, looking to my right I saw a man with black hair and yellow eyes who had been a bit shorter than me, he quickly helped me correct my posture to deliver a devastating blow. The warm feeling vanished and I began swinging my sword down It was as if it cut apart the elements and mana that populated the air.

Dawn looked at my sword surprised, but it was too late for her to cancel her attack due to the momentum she had built up, I smiled as my sword swung down preparing to strike her into the ground. It would be quite funny if I managed to beat the Hero without even using mana to coat my wooden sword.

Right as my wooden sword approached her head, It exploded. The sword instantaneously combusted, and with that, hers swung right into my upper leg flinging me out of the ring like a cannonball.

I lost consciousness for a second but I instantly regained it, noticing I was outside of the arena. Her swing would have originally probably crippled a person, especially a person not protecting themselves with mana, but since I had the physique of a dragon I was only met with an extreme bit of pain, considering her sword was strong enough to knock me out when it just hit my leg.

Dawn breathing hardly in the same spot she defeated me had a confused look that also spelled out fear.

'Dammit, I went overboard I didn't think my sword would destroy itself...'

The professor was simply confused, even though she didn't perceive my sword that well so she just assumed that it exploded due to my failing to imbue mana correctly. But I could tell by her look that she thought my display of swordsmanship was nothing but amazing.

The class continued with Dawn overpowering everyone she fought with an even more extreme power than earlier.

The rest of my classes were simple and not much, we went back to the classroom and listened to the lecture. And at the end of the day, I prepared to go to my dorm, I had never been to my dorm so I was excited to meet my new roommate and see it. When I arrived in the Empire I stayed in an estate my family owned for diplomatic reasons, and when I arrived at school the staff took my belongings to my dorm while I went to attend my first class.

Looking at the number of my dorm I followed most students exiting the building, the dorms were literally homes placed beside each other, they weren't like apartments... Which was kind of weird but amazing. Each house was a dorm, and every home had a luxurious but different design.

Soon I stopped and saw the numbers B-18, it was the number of the dorm house I would be sharing with one other person.

'This is incredible... The Empire is so much more advanced than the kingdom I came from...'

Walking into the home I could tell someone was there, from the scent filling the house it was a honey-smelling fragrance that smelt exquisite.

'Looks like they're taking a bath, I guess I should wait in the living room and greet them when they're finished.'