Returning to Liang Nation, Level 3 Water Vein

After leaving Huang Wenyu's place, both Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan felt heavy-hearted.

Clearly, what Huang Wenyu had just said made them feel a faint sense of urgency.

They had to increase their strength as soon as possible.

Only by increasing their own strength could they have the ability to face a series of changes in the future.

As they thought about this, the couple met up with Shen Yuanlong and Shen Daoming.

After they left the Moon Watcher Sect, Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan also told them about the reemergence of the Seven Lotuses Demonic Sect.

Their reaction was almost the same as Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan.

"It seems that we are not far from troubled times."

Shen Yuanlong could not help but sigh.

When they returned to the Shen Immortal Family, Shen Yuanlong and Shen Daoming immediately began to set up some plans to prevent any accidents from happening.