Killing the Demon Spirits, Huge Gain

The Heavenly Origin Lake.

At the core area of the Level 3 water vein.

At this moment, the six water element demon spirits were still in place, instinctively absorbing the rich water essence here.

They did not seem to notice the changes that had taken place in the water vein.

Or rather, with their limited intelligence, even if they noticed something unusual, as long as they didn't feel imminent danger, they wouldn't care.

Just like that, time passed slowly.

Suddenly, the leader of the water element demon spirits that was absorbing the water essence suddenly raised its head.

It was also at this moment that dazzling lightning suddenly flashed in its sea of consciousness.

The terrifying power shook the water element demon spirit and made it roar.

However, before it could do anything, the lightning in its sea of consciousness suddenly turned into a spear that flickered with endless lightning.
