Heaven and Earth Interaction, Obtaining the Origin Qi, Slaying the Enemy (2)

Almost subconsciously, the two cultivators wanted to rush towards Jiang Chengxuan. However, just as they were about to do it, they each felt a figure flash before their eyes.

It was Shen Ruyan.

"Fellow Daoists, this path is closed. You'd better choose another route," Shen Ruyan calmly said.

Hearing Shen Ruyan's words, the square-faced male cultivator at False Nascent Soul Realm sneered

"Closed? You think you can decide that? Who do you think you are? Overestimating yourself!"

With that, without any hesitation, the square-faced male cultivator raised his hand and summoned a large bell, instantly shrouding Shen Ruyan.

With the Origin Qi right in front of him, he wouldn't care who was blocking him. Anyone daring to stand in his way would be ruthlessly dealt with.

The other cultivator at the ninth level of Golden Core didn't hesitate either. After the square-faced male cultivator unleashed his treasure, he did the same.