Heaven and Earth Interaction, Obtaining the Origin Qi, Slaying the Enemy (3)

With this in mind, Jiang Chengxuan immediately fused the Blessing Qi he had collected previously into his own body.

However, he didn't know if a single Blessing Qi would be enough to locate the second wisp of Origin Qi.

If not, he might have to use the Providence Pill.

Thinking this, Jiang Chengxuan once again activated the Heavenly Calculation Technique to calculate the location of the second wisp of Origin Qi.

Two hours passed, four hours passed, six hours passed…

Jiang Chengxuan's forehead was already covered in sweat.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes. He grabbed Shen Ruyan and said, "Let's go." Then, the two of them disappeared.

Half a day later.

The two of them suddenly appeared beside a broken cliff.

Jiang Chengxuan's face showed a hint of joy as he said to Shen Ruyan, "This is the place."

After speaking, without waiting for Shen Ruyan's response, he immediately used the Qi harvesting technique once again.