Ruthless Moves

At this moment, both Jiang Chengxuan and Jiang Renyi recognized that the phenomenon appearing above the massive spirit stone mine was an indication that it was a ruin.

It was beyond their wildest dreams that such a second "surprise" awaited them so close to Mount Mystic Tai, following the discovery of the massive spirit stone mine.

Given the scale of the commotion, they knew that the size of this ruin was definitely not small and might even be a ruin surpassing the Soul Formation level.

If that was true, the Jiang family might be facing a real challenge this time…

Jiang Renyi looked anxiously at Jiang Chengxuan.

The excitement and thrill he had felt upon discovering the massive spirit stone mine were gone, replaced by unease and fear.

He was well aware that the combination of such a ruin and a massive spirit stone mine would likely bring disaster, not opportunity, to the Jiang family.

"What should we do now, Granduncle?" he asked.