The Foundation of the Eastern End and the Central Plain

Despite having anticipated it, seeing Shen Ruyan attempting to break through to Soul Formation still caught Jiang Chengxuan off guard.

Instinctively, he heightened his alertness to the maximum and his voice echoed throughout the state of Jiang and its surroundings.

"Fellow Daoists, my Dao companion Shen Ruyan is currently attempting to break through to Soul Formation.

During this period, my Jiang family will refuse all uninvited cultivators. We hope for your understanding.

If anyone is interested in the ruin appearing within our Jiang family's territory afterwards, I can promise that as long as everyone abides by the rules set by our Jiang family, once my Dao companion successfully breaks through, we can sit down and discuss the exploration of this ruin.

We will certainly not deprive anyone of the chance to explore it."