The Great Battle Begins

The state of Jiang.

Mount Mystic Tai.

As two years passed, an invisible pressure within a thousand miles around grew increasingly powerful.

Between heaven and earth, thunder, violent winds, torrential rain, lightning, dark clouds… various unusual phenomena were almost incessantly present.

Everyone realized that the wife of the Lord of the state of Jiang was probably just one step away from the supreme realm of Soul Formation.

The closer it got to this moment, the higher the probability of various accidents and dangers.

Jiang Chengxuan, along with the four Heavenly Lords hidden in the shadows, were all fully alert.

They knew that the human tribulation of Shen Ruyan was likely about to occur at this time.


Just as this thought crossed their minds, they saw three incredibly powerful figures suddenly appear out of thin air about three thousand miles from the state of Jiang.