The Protection Period Is Over, The Demon Beast Chaos Is Coming

Jiang Chengxuan's voice suddenly rang out.

Hearing his words, the pupils of the three Demon Lords constricted.


Without any hesitation, Blood Sea Demon Lord suddenly stirred up a violent wave of blood sea.

Grotesque, twisted faces surfaced in the blood sea, resembling evil ghosts, attempting to tear apart the surrounding fog.

Around Boneshadow Demon Lord, numerous white bone spikes materialized out of thin air.

They screeched sharply as they shot through the air, appearing capable of piercing the void, targeting a specific location.

Venom Demon Lord's eyes glowed with a purple-black hue.

Chi! Chi! Chi! Chi!

In an instant, sounds of corrosion filled the air as a vast expanse of purple-black poison fog spread out like a virus, rapidly diffusing in all directions.

However, all their attacks were nullified in an instant by three streaks of green light, disappearing without a trace.
