Death Desert, Ruin Emerging

As time passed, the grand conflict between demon beasts and humans lasted for eighty years.

During this period, neither the human race nor the demon race deployed forces at the Soul Formation level.

In fact, even cultivators at Nascent Soul refrained from participating, as if an unspoken agreement had been reestablished between the two races, reminiscent of several centuries ago.

In the Western Desert, the battles between the two sides were also limited to the early stages of Nascent Soul.

No cultivators in the mid-stages of Nascent Soul participated, which was rather intriguing.

Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan understood that the demon race's apparent weakness was actually a strategic accumulation of strength.

When the next Demon Calamity came, the demon beasts would probably not remain silent like before.

Perhaps they would cooperate with the one in the outer world and start a massacre against human cultivators.