Ignite the Soul Lamp, Confirm the Cave Abode

Without any hesitation, he immediately bowed deeply and expressed his gratitude:

"Thank you for granting me the techniques. Shifu, you are truly worthy of being a Dao Integration Holy Lord. Your understanding and insight into the path of cultivation are forever beyond my reach.

Even if I aspire to pursue it, I fear it might be difficult to even match a fraction of your achievements.

Moreover, your earnest efforts this time are indeed deeply engraved in my heart. The only way I could possibly express a fraction of my gratitude towards you, Shifu, is to always keep you in my thoughts and be grateful at every moment."

Jiang Chengxuan's words left Zhao Tianfan somewhat dumbfounded.

He just stared blankly at Jiang Chengxuan, with a single thought repeating in his mind.

This is bad!

Junior brother, by doing this, aren't you making it harder for me and senior sister to flatter Shifu?

No, I mean, to express our sincerity.