Star Core Pearl, Merit-Imbued Energy

Upon receiving the storage ring from Qin Shenwu, Jiang Chengxuan didn't even look at its contents before promptly expressing his gratitude to his Shifu.

"Thank you for the treasure. I am endlessly grateful.

My appreciation for your kindness is truly…"

"Alright, alright," Qin Shenwu interrupted with a laugh, waving his hand at Jiang Chengxuan.

"I'm aware of your gratitude. The priority now is for you to familiarize yourself with the way of cultivation in the Spiritual Realm.

Also, remember to first refine the protective treasure I've given you."


Jiang Chengxuan immediately responded respectfully.

Soon, he was led by Zhao Tianfan to an independent cave abode.

"This will be your cave abode on Shenwu Peak from now on, junior brother.

In the future, if Shifu summons us and we need to live on the mountain, you can stay here."

Zhao Tianfan reminded him before leaving.