Opening, Entering

At that moment, Qian Mengchen and the few Qian family cultivators looked exceptionally grim.

They knew that facing Kang Yuanfei, who had a Spiritual Treasure by his side, they might not stand a chance.

However, the idea of leaving just like that was out of the question.

The opportunity to enter the Immortal Peak cave abode was too rare to pass up.

It required enough fate and fortune, not just strength or a powerful background, to seize such an opportunity.


Even though Qian Mengchen and her companions knew they might not be a match for Kang Yuanfei, they had no intention of backing down.

But before Qian Mengchen and the others could make a move, Jiang Chengxuan had already stepped forward.

In his hand, a treasure sword had appeared at some unknown time.

The sword was a deep, dark color throughout, exuding an immense sense of danger from the moment it appeared.