Eliminating Sea Demons, The Second Trial

Simultaneously, a message appeared in the minds of Jiang Chengxuan and everyone else.

They were instructed to defend the island and prevent any sea demon from setting foot on it.

The group exchanged glances.

Then, Jiang Chengxuan suddenly asked, "Fairy Mengchen, are the trials that cultivators face upon entering this Immortal Peak cave abode different each time?"

Although she was unsure why Jiang Chengxuan asked this question at that moment, Qian Mengchen nodded in response.

"Based on what I know, that seems to be the case.

Everyone who has entered the Immortal Peak cave abode has faced different trials."

"I see."

Jiang Chengxuan nodded.

"Everyone, since the trial has already begun, let's not delay any further. Let's each find a direction to stop those sea demons from coming ashore."

No one objected to Jiang Chengxuan's suggestion.