Five Mystical Spirits Pool, Jiang Anran Ascending

"This is…?"

Before him lay a pool of water, shimmering with five colors, quietly suspended in mid-air.

From this five colors-hued water, Jiang Chengxuan could feel a strong yearning from the depths of his Dharmic power, as if his body and the cultivation technique he practiced, the Infinite Wheel, were both desperately craving something.

"Could this be the legendary Five Mystical Spirits Pool?"

Jiang Chengxuan remembered his Shifu, Qin Shenwu, mentioning it.

This pool only forms when a new world is created or a new space is born shortly after its inception.

It is a supreme treasure for cultivating the Five Elements, unmatched in its rarity and power.

A single day of cultivation within it could rival a hundred years outside.

Most importantly, the elemental rules contained within the pool could help one comprehend these complex principles, saving countless years of effort.