So You're Elder Shen's Junior

"Celestial Floodgate Realm?"

A wave of joy instantly surged through Jiang Anran's heart.

In years past, through the cross-realm treasures left in the Nine Essences cultivation world by Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan, she had learned of the realm they had ascended to, which was precisely this Celestial Floodgate Realm.

"I didn't expect that I would ascend to the Celestial Floodgate Realm like Shifu Jiang and Shen.

This means I should be able to see them again soon."

With this thought, Jiang Anran immediately turned to Liu Haolong, bowing slightly as she inquired.

"In that case, may I ask Fellow Daoist Liu, how far is the Haoran Sect and the Thunderclap Valley from here?

Do you know how I might travel there?"

"Huh … ?"

Hearing Jiang Anran's question, Liu Haolong was immediately taken aback.

"What's going on? Could it be that this fairy has connections with both the Haoran Sect and the Thunderclap Valley?