Divine Lord Jade Face, Divine Lord Chaos Fiend

In that instant, Divine Lord Frostblade and Yue Chanjuan clearly felt that the Dharmic power within their bodies had vanished completely.

This meant that, although they possessed the cultivation of the Seethrough stage, they were now unable to exert their true power.

Worst of all, at this moment, Jiang Chengxuan and the others suddenly discovered a group of people swiftly approaching them from not too far away.

Leading them was none other than Divine Lord Jade Face from the Joyous Union Valley.

"This is bad, it's that guy."

Both Divine Lord Frostblade and Yue Chanjuan felt their hearts sink.

They were well aware of the tremendous trouble they would be in encountering Divine Lord Jade Face and his group at this time.

Soon, Divine Lord Jade Face and his followers appeared not far from Jiang Chengxuan and the others.