Fierce Battle, Decisive Strike, Desperate Struggle

In just an instant, Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan felt their movements becoming sluggish, as if their Dharmic power and thoughts couldn't keep up with reality.

They recognized this as the unique domain power of Seethrough powerhouses.

They couldn't allow this power to continue affecting them any longer.

With this thought, the essence of the rules they had comprehended spread out from them instantly.

Jiang Chengxuan's were of wood, metal, and water.

In the void, green, gold, and blue lights immediately appeared.

Shen Ruyan, on the other hand, utilized the Lightning Domain, the Lightning Rule.

Although Shen Ruyan's comprehension of this rule wasn't completely perfected, it was sufficient to resist the current situation.

Not only that.

After deploying their rules, the couple also fully activated the supreme-grade Spiritual Treasures they possessed.