Tai Cangzi Appears, Gao Baiyue's Sneer

Days later, the towering walls of Blue Lane City appeared in Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan's view.

Without much effort to conceal their presence, their approach was quickly detected by the cultivators stationed at Blue Lane City.

"May I ask which sect or family the approaching cultivators belong to?" a voice called out from atop the city walls as soon as they neared Blue Lane City.

Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan each produced a token, which transformed into two symbols mid-air.

Recognizing the symbols, the stationed cultivator's demeanor turned solemn, and he promptly invited them,

"So it's fellow Daoists from the Haoran Sect and Thunderclap Valley. Please, come inside."

With the city gates and defensive arrays opened, Jiang Chengxuan and Shen Ruyan didn't hesitate to enter Blue Lane City.

Once inside, they quickly found the base of operations for both the Haoran Sect and Thunderclap Valley.