Troops at the Gates of the Immortal Sea City

The person who spoke was Jiang Chengxuan.

At his words, the crowd's expressions subtly shifted, especially among those who recognized the identities of Jiang Chengxuan and his companions.

Their faces flickered with a nuanced complexity.

Yet, Tai Cangzi himself showed little reaction to the words of Jiang Chengxuan and Gao Baiyue.

He merely gave them a brief glance and said,

"It's not up to some unrelated people to tell me what to do.

Yet, here you are, at a time when we are on the verge of assaulting the stronghold of the demonic path, uttering such words. Do you not realize you're sowing seeds of distrust among us, trying to fray the bonds that unite us?

Your actions lead me to question if there's a hidden agenda, perhaps a dark secret you share with the demonic path."

His implication was clear, accusing Jiang Chengxuan and Gao Baiyue of colluding with the demonic forces.