Conclusion of the Grand Ceremony, News from the Daolord of the Pantheon Sect

As the auspicious moment arrived and all guests were present, the celestial altar of the Haoran Sect was bustling with activity. This time, those seated in the inner circle of the celestial altar were the high-ranking members of various sects.

As the ceremony commenced with the playing of ritual music, similar to the previous succession ceremony, mythical beasts soared and radiant light spread under the sounds of drums and horns, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

Jiang Chengxuan, dressed in the formal attire of the Sect Master of the Haoran Sect, appeared at the highest platform, hand in hand with Shen Ruyan. The necessary procedures were quite similar to those of the succession ceremony but on a grander scale, and this time, Shen Ruyan was by his side.