The Immortal's Cave Abode, the Opportunity for Ascension

The Daolord of the Pantheon looked at Qin Shenwu and Jiang Chengxuan with a confident gaze, convinced that the lure of an immortal's cave abode was irresistible to any cultivator.

Throughout the annals of the Floodgate Realm, the discovery of an immortal's cave abode has been a rarity, one that could be counted on the fingers of one's hands.

Each discovery has heralded the emergence of earth-shattering treasures, some even possessing the miraculous power to aid one in achieving Dao and ascending to Immortality.

Such treasures could move even the stoniest of hearts, compelling one to brave dangers.

Thus, he believed that both Jiang Chengxuan and Qin Shenwu would naturally not refuse such an opportunity.

However, the perils involved are unspeakable.

Inside the immortal's cave abode, the more exquisite the treasure, the greater the horrors that accompany it.