Accepting the Invitation, Exchange of Dao Mastery

Concerning the essence of an immortal, even if it does not directly assist one to ascend, it can still increase the odds somewhat.

Such an opportunity excited both Jiang Chengxuan and Qin Shenwu.

They pondered for a long time, and the Daolord from the Pantheon Sect was patient, quietly waiting.

Jiang Chengxuan was genuinely interested in the immortal's cave abode,

Especially if it harbored the chance for ascension, it could propel Qin Shenwu to a higher plane, allowing him to ascend to the immortal realm successfully.

Then, as the sect master of the Haoran Sect, he could truly dominate the Floodgate Realm.

Qin Shenwu, needless to say, was deeply interested given it concerned ascension.

With such a pursuit of opportunity, they both had some confidence, especially with the cooperation of the Daolord from the Pantheon Sect.

Such benefits were enough to warrant their taking the risk.