Tie Xiangyao and Zhao Tianfang Both Broke Through

In preparation for the enigmatic opening of the immortal's cave abode, Jiang Chengxuan never slackened his efforts, always contemplating how to advance his cultivation.

Roaming the various Dao Mastery Exchange Conferences, he reaped substantial benefits, and with the renown of the Haoran Sect, he always managed to acquire the treasures he desired.

Naturally, those cultivators were willing to engage in equitable exchanges, while also seizing the opportunity to forge connections with the master of the Haoran Sect.

During this time, with a wealth of resources accumulated, Jiang Chengxuan made considerable progress in both his magical and Daoist practices, even comprehending numerous divine abilities.

Furthermore, with his mastery over a hundred cultivation arts, his cultivation resources continually regenerated and recycled, a process so efficient that it was the envy of all.