Tightening the Noose, A Firm Stance

At the same time, in the territory of the Sacred Skeleton Sect, outside the Bone Demon Ridge, forces of the righteous path had already assembled.

This place, known as the Bone Demon Ridge, was the ancestral land passed down through generations of the Sacred Skeleton Sect.

Surrounding the area, countless white bones piled high created an eerie and terrifying atmosphere, where not a single blade of grass grew for hundreds of miles around.

The Sacred Skeleton Sect, an ancient entity within the demonic forces, had never been eradicated.

Their techniques, all related to bones, were imbued with the rules of withering, silence, and indestructibility.

Representatives from the Haoran Sect and Thunderclap Valley were now in a standoff with the demonic cultivators of the Sacred Skeleton Sect across the void.

Over the past few days, the clashes between the righteous and the demonic had escalated from lower to higher-level cultivators.