The Demonic Path's Compromise and the Disturbance in the Immortal's cave abode Abode

After several tests, the demonic cultivators fully understood the unyielding stance of the righteous path.

This demand was their bottom line, and they were not prepared to make any concessions. In such a situation, tensions inevitably escalated once again.

However, after a period of warfare, the demonic forces continued to suffer defeat after defeat, unable to break through.

Ultimately, they had to face reality and accept the demands of the righteous alliance.

After rough negotiations, the righteous alliance consistently achieved their desired outcomes. Numerous demonic forces were forced to abandon their strongholds or had their territories drastically reduced to remote borders, all under the strict supervision of the righteous alliance, with strict prohibitions against crossing the boundaries.

This was undoubtedly a massive blow to the demonic forces.