Arrival of the Sects, News from Each

As Qin Shenwu and Daolord Allheaven were conversing, a series of sonic booms heralded the arrival of others. Jiang Chengxuan and his companions turned to see several streaks of white light swiftly approaching from the distance before landing in front of the group.

"Hehehe, it's been a long time, Daolord Shenwu, Daolord Allheaven!"

The newcomers were also a group of five, led by a Daolord of their sect. He was dressed in a robe of black and white, symbolizing the infinite, and carried an air of transcendent grace and authority. His eyes and brow suggested a depth of spiritual accomplishment, clearly a figure of significant prowess.

His four disciples, clad in similar robes with sharp, penetrating gazes, were all Dao Integration Saints.

Jiang Chengxuan was familiar with these individuals—members of an overlord force in the Floodgate Realm, known as the Infinite Sect. They practiced the Path of the Infinite and the Techniques of the Infinite.