The Grey-White Mist, The Void-Breaking Observation Array

Facing the ominous results of his divinations, Jiang Chengxuan was cautious and slightly worried, yet he was not overly fearful.

He continued his explorations within the immortal cave abode, unwilling to hide or cower.

After all, not long ago, he had slain two ninth-level beasts—equivalent to two Mahayana Daolords. Having survived such deadly battles, there was little left in the world that could instill fear in him.

He did not stow away the Profound Dao Disc but continued to use it for his Heavenly Calculation Technique, looking for a safer direction to proceed slowly and hopefully find Shen Ruyan and the others.

Although he wasn't particularly frightened by the half-life, half-death divination, he was still very concerned about the safety of his companions.

Jiang Chengxuan hoped to establish contact with others soon, to share the news of the changing conditions and to prevent any unforeseen dangers.