The Blood Lotus and the Golden Giant Hand

Deep within the dense grey-white mist, it seemed as if nothing else existed. No matter which direction Jiang Chengxuan looked, all he could see was the swirling fog.

Facing this persistent mist, Jiang Chengxuan manifested the Five Elements Samsara world, forcibly carving out a sanctified space around him. Fortunately, aside from impeding his departure and obstructing his view, the mist did not exert any other negative effects, such as weakening his Dao rules or damaging his primordial spirit.

Jiang Chengxuan summoned a fire rule from the Five Elements, creating a blazing line of fire in the palm of his hand and casting it into the mist, expecting some reaction. Under normal circumstances, any type of mist would at least react to the flame, but the grey-white fog remained unaffected as if it didn't exist at all.