Big Dipper, the Seven Kill Array

At that moment, Jiang Chengxuan felt as if he were holding up the heavens themselves, the weight colossal.

For the first time, such a terrifying power emerged, one that could even make the strength of the Dragon Elephant feel an immense pressure.

He had no choice but to muster all his strength, holding up the heavens with one hand. His Deep Earth Halbert pierced the sky, clashing directly against the golden colossal finger.

Each second stretched into eternity, and even when the clash ended, Jiang Chengxuan was unaware.

Only when he felt a lightness in his hands did he suddenly realize that he had withstood the barrage.

In the sky, the golden colossal finger had dissipated into specks of light, leaving behind only a vast path of void.

The gray-white mist was pushed aside by the shattered force of the paths, resembling a heavenly road.