Suspicious Discovery

Haoran Sect, the Sect Master's Hall.

At this moment, Jiang Chengxuan, Shen Ruyan, and Qin Shenwu were seated inside. As days passed, they finally received messages from other sects' Daolords. However, after reviewing all the communications, Jiang Chengxuan and the others were somewhat disappointed.

The inquiries had yielded little new information. In fact, some Daolords from other sects did not even believe in the re-emergence of a major calamity.

"Only the Daolord of Pantheon sect took this matter very seriously, having communicated with their immortal ancestor about it. But the results were still not satisfactory," murmured Jiang Chengxuan, his brow furrowed in frustration.

The imminent era of glory in Floodgate Realm seemed to have clouded many people's judgments, pushing considerations of the future to the back of their minds.