Strange Changes, Horrific Scene

"So, it seems this mysterious secret realm indeed has many suspicious points," Jiang Chenxuan agreed with Qin Shenwu's keen observation.

"Then next, I will instruct Elder Sun to keep a close watch on that particular secret realm. I believe it will surely yield some results," Jiang Chenxuan said slowly, and his command was promptly relayed to Elder Sun.

The vast information network of the Haoran Sect began to pivot towards the area Jiang Chenxuan had indicated.

Over the next few days, both Jiang Chenxuan and Qin Shenwu harbored some expectations. They felt that within that secret realm, there must be some clues hidden.

Soon, a new piece of information was dispatched from Elder Sun's side and delivered to Jiang Chenxuan.

However, the information investigated wasn't about what happened inside the secret realm.