Gathering At the Mount Wuliang

Atop Mount Wuliang, amid an atmosphere of urgency and fear, a cultivator suddenly called out, "What about it, Master of the Haoran Sect, is there still no reply?"

This speaker was Wu Xin, the sect master of one of the few super sects that had sent out a secret missive, the Five Hearts Sect.

At this moment, representatives from nearly all sects that received the secret message had gathered on the platform atop Mount Wuliang, yet the message sent to the Floodgate Realm's currently strongest sect, the Haoran Sect, seemed to have vanished without a trace.

"No… Perhaps…" replied the person Wu Xin addressed, another sect master responsible for organizing this union.

Confronted with the question, he was reminded of past events, causing his speech to falter slightly, reflecting his unease.