Jiang Chengxuan's Suggestion, Mystic Heavenly Array of Cosmic Fate

Jiang Chengxuan's pointed question sent shockwaves through all the cultivators present, leaving them deeply shaken, their expressions complex.

Before the disaster fully struck, who among them could truly say they were ready to give their all?

Most sects still expected the major sects to handle the crisis, hoping to merely follow along and protect themselves.

"Fellow Daoist Jiang is right," Daolord Pantheon spoke up gravely. "This great calamity is extraordinary. If anyone here is not prepared to fight with everything they have, then our so-called alliance is nothing but loose sand."

Daolord Pantheon was fully aware of the dire nature of the calamity, understanding the sinister forces behind these mysterious disappearances—a Demonic Immortal from the Immortal Realm had infiltrated the lower realm.

Having experienced the terror of an immortal being during the collapse of an Immortal cave abode, even he felt uneasy.