Terrifying Realm, Dreadful Puppets

"I, from the Wu Xin Sect, agree to set up the Mystic Heavenly Array of Cosmic Fate!"

"I represent the Divine Shadow Gate and agree with Sect Master Jiang's proposal."

"I, from the Icy Heart Sect, agree to Jiang Sect Master's arrangement of the Mystic Heavenly Array of Cosmic Fate."

Under the awe inspired by Daolord Pantheon and Shen Ruoyan, a silence first fell over the summit of Wuliang Mountain. Soon after, one voice after another began to express their agreement.

Eventually, even those sects that harbored concerns had no choice but to join the consensus.

Jiang Chengxuan's proposal to set up the Mystic Heavenly Array of Cosmic Fate had won unanimous approval from the sects present. This moment could be said to be the most unified that Floodgate Realm had been in hundreds of years, all thanks to Jiang Chengxuan's prestige or perhaps his charismatic leadership.