The Execution

Even before this, Jiang Chengxuan and the others had discovered that the bizarre Dao forces of the demonic immortal could only be harmed by the combined strength of everyone.

At this moment, the terrifying strike embodied all their gathered Dao forces.

In an instant, thousands of Dao rules interwove in the void, forming intricate patterns.

The entire world seemed to be drawn into a surreal illusion, more terrifying than even the suppression of heavenly will when one broke through to the Mahayana realm.


Under the collective gaze of the crowd, the strike twisted time and space, crashing into Immortal Corpse Fuser formed by demonic Daolords.

For a brief moment, everything fell silent; all change ceased. Eerie visions of stars falling, worlds obliterated, and void spreading appeared where the forces clashed.

A terrifying wave of energy then swept across the entire Floodgate Realm.